DOI-USGS / lake-temperature-process-models-old

Pipeline #2
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missing two lakes in nml_list from Jared's source lake vector #17

Closed jordansread closed 4 years ago

jordansread commented 4 years ago

not sure why these two aren't showing up: "nhdhr_120018094" "nhdhr_86274823"

update both have > 100 dates of obs (134 and 105, respectively)

jordansread commented 4 years ago

Neither of these are in one of the more final targets in the prep pipeline:

c("nhdhr_120018094", "nhdhr_86274823") %in% names(readRDS('../lake-temperature-model-prep/7_config_merge/out/nml_list.rds'))

switched to prep pipeline wd found the problem in missing Kw data:

c("nhdhr_120018094","nhdhr_86274823") %in% readRDS(scipiper::sc_retrieve('7_config_merge/out/nml_Kw_values.rds.ind'))$site_id

I'm concerned that we originally had Kw data for these lakes, and then lost it in the most recent WQP. Usually we expect to gain sites through time, but there are/were some lost sites when we updated.

jordansread commented 4 years ago

nhdhr_86274823 is Munson Lake Lake View Township, MN 56501

nhdhr_120018094 is Gleason Lake, also in MN

Checking to see if these should have secchi sites and if they were dropped because of the bad chars in the POSTs

jordansread commented 4 years ago

Both should have WQP sites, and those sites both should have data:

readRDS('2_crosswalk_munge/out/wqpsecchi_nhdhr_xwalk.rds') %>% filter(site_id %in% c("nhdhr_120018094","nhdhr_86274823"))
          site_id MonitoringLocationIdentifier resultCount
1  nhdhr_86274823         MNPCA-03-0357-00-201         152
2 nhdhr_120018094         MNPCA-27-0095-00-201         129
jordansread commented 4 years ago

Only looking at the first, because I think I found the problem:

feather::read_feather('6_wqp_fetch/inout/wqpsecchi_partitions.feather') %>% filter(MonitoringLocationIdentifier == "MNPCA-03-0357-00-201")
# A tibble: 1 x 4
  site_id        resultCount MonitoringLocationIdentifier PullTask     
  <chr>                <dbl> <chr>                        <chr>        
1 nhdhr_86274823         152 MNPCA-03-0357-00-201         wqpsecchi_003

This is in partition 003, which is somehow an empty data.frame. Perhaps an aborted function call that was later ignored w/ a scbless?

jordansread commented 4 years ago

I am running the entire WQP secchi workflow again, starting by deleting all of the secchi rds files in 6_wqp_fetch/tmp, then scdel('6_wqp_fetch/out/wqp_secchi_data.rds.ind'), then updating the dummy date in the fetch, and then scmake('6_wqp_fetch/out/wqp_secchi_data.rds.ind')

jordansread commented 4 years ago

this issue is covered here: