DOI-USGS / lake-temperature-process-models-old

Pipeline #2
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Updating GLM pipeline with new lakes #8

Closed jzwart closed 4 years ago

jzwart commented 5 years ago

Resurrecting this pipeline for our lake temperature sprint.

jzwart commented 5 years ago

Based on building the ~100 nml files, it should take about 95 mins to generate all ~19,000 nml files on one computer locally

limnoliver commented 5 years ago

@jzwart in the past we've ignored task remake files. It looks like Alison also does this in pipeline three using a similar combiner model. I think you'll want to add 1_nml_tasks_makefile.yml to .gitignore?

jordansread commented 5 years ago

Agreed w/ Sam on the task makefiles, especially if they are this big. (I think it is fine to include small ones if it makes sense to).

jzwart commented 5 years ago

Looks good to me, but wondering which scipiper version are you using? Is it the one w/ the task_combiners? or previous version?

I'm a little unclear if I'm using the combiner version of scipiper. I updated this morning but with the master branch. Looks like there is task_combiner branch of scipiper, which I am not using

jordansread commented 5 years ago

@limnoliver what are you using?

I am using the combiner branch for my work on the temperature prep pipeline...I think we should all use the same version, but I understand that the jump to the combiners version is not trivial (hence it is still hanging out on a branch).

If you are willing to make the jump, it will help us simplify some of the solutions and also help us from colliding w/ different versions on different parts of the pipeline.

limnoliver commented 5 years ago

I was using the latest version of the master branch. But yes, I think we should switch to the combiners branch since @jzwart is using that workflow as well.

jzwart commented 5 years ago

Sounds good, I'll switch to the combiners branch

jordansread commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see that this was still open until now. I am working on a similar pattern, but now that we have nhd HR, some of the functions won't work (e.g., populate_base_nml())