DOI-USGS / lake-temperature-process-models

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Fix nml object use #29

Closed hcorson-dosch-usgs closed 2 years ago

hcorson-dosch-usgs commented 2 years ago

Fixes #22

When I started to dig into #22, I realized that it was possible to make this fix without writing each of the nml objects to file, so I instead implemented an objects-based fix here.

This PR:

I tested this out for a subset of 5 lakes. If I first run the model for 4 of the lakes, and then add another site_id for a 5th lake, only the models for that 5th lake are built. Similarly if I run the model for 4 of the lakes and then remove one of those site_ids, none of the models are rebuilt. That's the behavior we want, and corrects the issue noted in #22.

hcorson-dosch-usgs commented 2 years ago

Also wanted to note that I tested the mapping by doing the following:

  1. Subsetting p1_lake_cell_tile_xwalk to 5 lakes:
             readr::read_csv(p1_lake_cell_tile_xwalk_csv, col_types=cols()) %>%
               filter(site_id %in% p1_nml_site_ids) %>%
               arrange(site_id) %>%
               filter(site_id %in% c('nhdhr_105567868','nhdhr_105569520', 'nhdhr_114336097',
  2. Passing p1_gcm_names and p1_gcm_dates to the run_glm3_model() command:
      sim_dir = '2_run/tmp/simulations',
      nml_obj = p1_nml_objects,
      gcm_name = p1_gcm_names,
      gcm_date = p1_gcm_dates,
      model_config = p1_model_config,
      burn_in = 300,
      burn_out = 190,
      export_fl_template = '2_run/tmp/GLM_%s_%s_%s.feather'),
    packages = c('retry','glmtools', 'GLM3r'),
    pattern = map(p1_model_config, cross(p1_nml_objects, p1_gcm_names, p1_gcm_dates))),
  3. Modifying run_glm3_model to return a tibble to check that the pertinent parameters match:

    run_glm3_model <- function(sim_dir, nml_obj, gcm_name, gcm_date, model_config, burn_in, burn_out, export_fl_template) {
    # pull parameters from model_config
    site_id <- model_config$site_id
    time_period <- model_config$time_period
    gcm <- model_config$gcm
    raw_meteo_fl <- model_config$meteo_fl
    mapping_check <- tibble(
    config_site_id = site_id,
    nml_site_id = nml_obj$morphometry$lake_name,
    config_gcm = gcm,
    mapped_gcm = gcm_name,
    config_time_period = time_period,
    mapped_time_period = gcm_date

    In the resulting tibble, you can see that the mapping set up by cross(p1_nml_objects, p1_gcm_names, p1_gcm_dates) matches the order of p1_model_config: image