DOI-USGS / usgscsm

This repository stores USGS Community Sensor Model (CSM) camera models
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Added string sanitize function #403

Closed AustinSanders closed 2 years ago

AustinSanders commented 2 years ago

Related to #400

To close the issue, we just need to add test data and a unit test!

./usgscsm_cam_test --model ESP_037330_1990_REDmos_hijitreged.preTriang.sup --output-model-state ESP_out.json
Detected CSM plugin: UsgsAstroPluginCSM
Number of models for this plugin: 4
Loaded a CSM model of type USGS_ASTRO_LINE_SCANNER_SENSOR_MODEL from model state file ESP_037330_1990_REDmos_hijitreged.preTriang.sup.
Writing model state: ~/gxp/ESP_out.json