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MySQL improved unicode support #173

Closed bertptrs closed 8 years ago

bertptrs commented 8 years ago

Currently, the database driver uses utf8_general_ci as the collation and utf8 as the character set. This character set does not support characters more than two bytes wide. Since teams generally attempt to use weird characters in their name to show they know they exist, the newer utf8mb4 could be used.

You can change the database on your own and then change the DJ_CHARACTER_SET_MYSQL to the proper value, but in exactly two queries a COLLATE statement is used with a hard coded utf8_general_ci collation.

So the issue is, could this be changed to a more configurable option, with the default being utf8mb4?

thijskh commented 8 years ago

Yes, agreed. It would be nice if it's indeed configurable with that default. We can change the recommended version of MySQL to 5.5, while still supporting earlier MySQL's (the user would just need to change that config parameter).

Would you mind making a pull request?

bertptrs commented 8 years ago

Sure, I just have to clean up what I've done to my own installation and make a patch.

eldering commented 8 years ago

A few remarks/questions:

bertptrs commented 8 years ago

To answer a your questions:

eldering commented 8 years ago

Ok, RHEL6, Debian wheezy (oldstable) and Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) have MySQL 5.5.44, so then I'd say we simply drop support for older stuff and get rid of the cruft.

thijskh commented 8 years ago


thijskh commented 8 years ago

All for dropping pre-5.5 support. However, I think it would still work for 5.1 by changing just the constants back, only the creation of a new database would then fail. So it's all fairly acceptable.

eldering commented 8 years ago

Issue addressed in recent commits. Note that I made some small changes to the pull request.