DOMjudge / domjudge

DOMjudge programming contest jury system
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Repeated rejudging progress wrongly reported in rejudging overview page. #2450

Open vmcj opened 3 months ago

vmcj commented 3 months ago

It's reported as the progress in the current rejudging not how many repeated rejudgings left todo.

ID | reason | repetitions | startuser | finishuser | starttime | finishtime | status
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
5 | Measure throughput | 99 | User for judgedaemons |   | 13:24 |   | 98% done

Where only 6 rejudgings were done at this point.

We could either just pick the 100/number of rejudgings or do something smart with actually counting the amount of judgings left.

meisterT commented 3 months ago

We could enrich the status in that case and add how many rejudgings are left?

meisterT commented 3 months ago

Or alternatively change the repetitions column to something like 5 (out of 99)?