DOMjudge / domjudge

DOMjudge programming contest jury system
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Implement output only problems #2521

Open meisterT opened 2 months ago

meisterT commented 2 months ago
meisterT commented 2 months ago

Example how this was used during the ICPC challenge in Luxor:

For problem A1, you can find the 25 open tests on your workstation. The exact location of the file will be announced with a broadcast message at the start of the contest. The materials also contain a text summary that mentions the main parameters and the scoring weight of each open test. You should solve the problem A1 locally on your workstation. Then submit a ZIP archive which, in its root, contains the answers named after the respective tests: 01.out, 02.out, ..., 25.out. Your archive may contain only part of the answers: in that case, the missing answers will contribute 0 points. One of the ways to create the archive is to use the following command in the terminal:

zip -FSr *.out

meisterT commented 2 months ago

Note that you could in theory today create an output-only "language" which does basically just cat. You cannot restrict languages per problem though, only per instance.

vmcj commented 2 months ago

Note that you could in theory today create an output-only "language" which does basically just cat. You cannot restrict languages per problem though, only per instance.

I think that is also the way to implement this (as it requires less code changes), adding some extra overrides to contestproblems with allow judgeable/allowed languages seems not that much extra code change and would already implement this.