DOOMer / screengrab

Crossplatform tool for fast making screenshots.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Show delete url if available #17

Closed jleclanche closed 11 years ago

jleclanche commented 11 years ago

Imgur returns a delete url, display it below bbcode as another field if the api supports it.

jleclanche commented 10 years ago

I'm not seeing any delete url in the imgur upload?

DOOMer commented 10 years ago

Last item in combobox on the window of the result uploading. May be it need is rework.

jleclanche commented 10 years ago

I don't see that.

I think it should be split into three sections:

Direct Link: [ ] [ Copy ]

Embed: [ BBCode v ] [x] With thumbnail¹ [ ... ]

Delete: [ ] [ Delete now² ]

¹ "With thumbnail" checkbox to toggle between bbcode/html with or without thumbnail. ² Delete now button will use the api to delete the image. Could be added later, but neat to have.

DOOMer commented 10 years ago

I don't see that.

Give me screen, please. With your result of uploading to imgur.

jleclanche commented 10 years ago

My apologies, I was looking at mediacrush result.

DOOMer commented 10 years ago

That's all right. For MediaCrush i added delete link too.