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Hadoop talk proposal... #1

Closed jmctee closed 10 years ago

jmctee commented 11 years ago

Just letting you know I have a Hadoop talk I am giving at BJUG on 9/10. Would love to present at DOSUG in the future if you have an open slot. The talk is very info-dense, so will need the longer slot to adequately present.

Here is the abstract:

By now, if you have any interest in Hadoop, you have seen the 'Hello World' of Map-Reduce, the word count app. In this info-dense talk, Joe will go beyond this simple example and show how other tools in the Hadoop infrastructure work by developing a more interesting (but still contrived!) application that monitors solar power generation and compares it to temperature and cloud cover. Time allowing, we will cover accessing HDFS from the command line and programmatically via Java, Sqoop to import data from an RDBMS, Pig (a data flow DSL), Map-Reduce, Hive (SQL-like data query DSL), and orchestrate all the pieces with the Oozie workflow tool.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Joe McTee

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee You still into doing this? We're still into having you!

jmctee commented 10 years ago

Hey Tim,

Definitely interested, but the first part of this year is insane at work and I need some time to clean things up. Is targeting the April Meeting too late? I could push it to the March meeting if needed, but probably not any earlier.

Let me know if this works.

Had a lot of fun Friday!

Take care,



"I'm not looking back, but I want to look around me now. See more of the people and the places that surround me now. Freeze this moment a little bit longer... Make each impression a little bit stronger... Time stand still!"

Neil Peart - Rush

On Jan 6, 2014, at 6:33 AM, Tim Berglund wrote:

@jmctee You still into doing this? We're still into having you!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee I would love to get you booked for April. Want to call it that? Send us an abstract if yer into it. :)

jmctee commented 10 years ago

April on the calendar. Here you go...

Introduction to the Hadoop toolset - Joe McTee

By now, if you have any interest in Hadoop, you have seen the 'Hello World' of Map-Reduce, the word count app. In this info-dense talk, Joe will go beyond this simple example and show how other tools in the Hadoop infrastructure work by developing a more interesting (but still contrived!) application that monitors solar power generation and compares it to temperature and cloud cover.

Time allowing, we will cover accessing HDFS from the command line and programmatically via Java, Sqoop to import data from an RDBMS, Pig (a data flow DSL), Map-Reduce, Hive (SQL-like data query DSL), and orchestrate all the pieces with the Oozie workflow tool.

Slides can be downloaded at

Code can be downloaded at

About Joe

Joe is a Principal Engineer at Tendril, developing products that bring consumers, utilities, and consumer product manufacturers together in a partnership to save energy while maintaining quality lifestyle. In his 5 years at Tendril, he has worked on load control algorithms, smart outlets, smart thermostats, and is currently working on consumer focused energy reports that can be delivered both electronically and via paper. He is passionate about energy conservation. Ask him about solar energy if you have an hour!

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@DOSUG/boardmembers Any objection to getting Joe on the schedule for April? If not, let's do this.

mbarker62 commented 10 years ago

The slides look good. I'm assuming the examples will be live demos. I'm always concerned about tech talks that don't show practical application, but it looks like it is covered here.


On Jan 12, 2014, at 9:45 AM, Tim Berglund wrote:

@DOSUG/boardmembers Any objection to getting Joe on the schedule for April? If not, let's do this.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@mbarker62 Awesome. :)

@danhillenbrand If you want to push this live, feel free!

danhillenbrand commented 10 years ago

@tlberglund ok, getting caught up now!

jmctee commented 10 years ago

Hi DOSUG Committee,

I apologize, but just found out I am not going to be in town on 4/1 for the meeting I am scheduled to talk at.

I see that you do not currently have a speaker for the 3/4 meeting. Any chance we can move the talk to this slot (or May, I'll make either one work)?

Very embarrassed that I failed to see the conflict earlier. Hope this does not cause too much churn.

Take care,


tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee No problem at all on the rescheduling! I had somebody reach out a week ago asking for the March slot, so give us a few days before we commit to March or May, if you can. Really, we just want you in there whenever you can make it. :grinning:

jmctee commented 10 years ago

Sounds good. I will be prepared for March in case, but May works as well.

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee Let's go for May. I reached out to our March prospect (Perficient), who wants to keep it in March. (They will submit an abstract very soon.)

jmctee commented 10 years ago

May (Tuesday, 5/6) it is. Thanks for being flexible, still sorry for the mixup.

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee Our March speaker has pulled out. Sorry for the disorderliness here, but are you still open for March? No pressure on you, good sir; if you can't do it, I'll recruit somebody else. Naturally I would ask you first, though. :)

jmctee commented 10 years ago

@tlberglund I'll make it happen. Put me down for March. Confirming, this would be March 4th, correct? Also, how is the network at IP?

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee You're the man. Yes, March 4, and the network is not all that bad! I will try to have a backup network for you if the regular one is congested for any reason.

@danhillenbrand Want to make this official? :)

danhillenbrand commented 10 years ago

@tlberglund @jmctee Looks like this already made it's way to March on the site, so I will leave it as is!

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@danhillenbrand Uh, yeah, not sure how that happened. (sulks away guiltily...)

jmctee commented 10 years ago

Ha! See you guys in a couple of weeks.

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@jmctee :grinning:

tlberglund commented 10 years ago

Talk was excellent. Closing down this issue with many thanks to @jmctee. :)