DOSull / weaving-space

tools for making tileable weave units that give the appearance of a woven material for multivariate thematic mapping
MIT License
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Provide different options for output from weave_layer #1

Closed DOSull closed 2 years ago

DOSull commented 2 years ago

weave_layer() should provide options for outputting results of varying extent, and varying clip shape

For example, extent options might be passed as a parameter

weave_layer(... extent = c("region", "bbox", "circumcircle")


Similarly finish = c("clip", "ragged") could specify that the weave be clipped to the extent, or left ragged by applying only st_filter()

"circumcircle" and "ragged" would be a natural pairing and provide a weave pattern that can be 'experimented with' since it could be rotated to any desired angle to see how it looks on the map output, before being clipped to the region

DOSull commented 2 years ago

In the python codebase the Tiling class tiles attribute is a tiling of the circumcircle of the region. This makes getting any rotated version of the tiling a bit quicker. This enhancement is therefore essentially addressed, since this could be clipped to smaller regions as desired.