DOV-Vlaanderen / pydov

Python package to retrieve data from Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV)
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Interpretation from CPT #105

Open pjhaest opened 6 years ago

pjhaest commented 6 years ago

Given the new setup discerning interpretations from boreholes (AND/OR) cpt data, I just want to make sure which interpretations can originate from cpt data:

Is the latter correct, only interpretations for informele and formele stratigrafie from cpt data?

Roel commented 6 years ago

The latter is correct: only 'informele stratigrafie' and 'formele stratigrafie' interpretations can be either linked to CPT's/sonderingen or boreholes. All the other interpretation types are always linked to boreholes.

I agree that this currently is not clear in the metadata: since (technically) all interpretations in the WMS/WFS services come from the same table and have the same attributes, all have very similar metadata. I will clarify the metadata in this regard while adding the 'diepte_tot_m' attribute as discussed in issue #68

The XSD is confusing in the sense that it lists two types for interpretations: InterpretatieGeneriekType and InterpretatieExternType. The latter is only used for eDOV import and is not relevant for the interpretations we export. The former, InterpretatieGeneriekType is the base type where all other interpretation types extend from and has as first element a choice between either boring or sondering. Again, as with the WMS/WFS services, this is technical: in the XSD all interpretation types can be linked to either a borehole or a CPT, but in practice this will only be the case for 'informele stratigrafie' and 'formele stratigrafie', all other types will always be linked to boreholes.

Roel commented 6 years ago

I have clarified this in the attribute definitions in the feature catalogues of the interpretations. Maybe the description of the types in the featurecatalogues and/or the description in the metadata records themselves need to be clarified too though.