DOWGO / dowgo-one

dApp to swap Dowgo Tokens
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Show Dowgo Ownership of stocks - Beta #7

Open antoine-dowgo opened 1 year ago

antoine-dowgo commented 1 year ago

Public websites such as Bloomberg display public stock ownership. We could display on the DApp these proofs of ownership for better transparency

antoine-dowgo commented 1 year ago

@Tris92 Let me know what you think and what you have in mind

Tris92 commented 1 year ago

I want to display each stock % owned by dowgo alpha fund not only on the main page (which will show limited information such as company's name and % allocated) but also on a page that we would name "Dowgo Funds", in which much more detailed information from the fund's chosen stocks would be displayed. Additionally, are there any metrics we could retrieve that would give significant information about the green aspect of our chosen stocks? In the end we could really emphasize on the "why" we chose those stocks and "how" do we illustrate each company's sustainibility initiatives/results through accurate metrics/announcements/performance/ etc.

antoine-dowgo commented 1 year ago

Sounds good! Also with @oscar-dowgo we discussed adding links to bloomberg website showing/proving ownership of these stocks. How were you planning on retrieving that information? I can create an API endpoint on AWS with that if you want.

Tris92 commented 1 year ago

Yes I think it would be pretty good to create an API endpoint. What type of data will it generate though? Can I insert them within a table or will it need different formatting?

oscar-dowgo commented 1 year ago

For each Token, we have to display companies name, weight/company (%), company sector, company description. Then, possibility to reach the API to display other features afterwards.

I let you chose a format @Tris92 but keep it simple for the Beta version ! Here is an example form a ON CHAIN Asset Manager :

antoine-dowgo commented 1 year ago


company sector, company description

Where would we get that information? From another API or our own manually filled database (or manually written in the code for the 10 stocks of the Alpha)?

@Tris92 we can discuss the format of the data

oscar-dowgo commented 1 year ago

@antoine-dowgo we have to create our data base as I have a classic Bloomberg account. The API account for Bloomberg is far to expensive for the moment.

Here is the data base :

We can create our database with Bloomberg informations for each companies we plan to invest in. I will put the informations on this excel.

antoine-dowgo commented 1 year ago

Ok sounds good

antoine-dowgo commented 1 year ago

Api ready: