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Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing -- Documents
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Implementation: Test vectors #62

Open jaromil opened 4 years ago

jaromil commented 4 years ago

To help align with other implementations of this protocol I’m sharing my test vectors for design 1, which are the expected results of two cryptographic transformations in DP3T given known inputs.

Zenroom passes SHA256 FIPS140–2 and AES-CTR NIST compliancy and the vectors below match the reference implementation. :heavy_check_mark:

The Zenroom code used to derive a new SK is:

SK2 = HASH.new('sha256'):process(SK1)

The Zenroom code used to derive EphIDs (see the dp3t scenario implementation) is:

        local PRF = SHA256:hmac(ACK.secret_day_key, BROADCAST_KEY)
        local epd = (24*60)/ACK.epoch -- num epochs per day
        local zero = OCTET.new(epd*16):zero() -- 0 byte buffer
        ACK.ephemeral_ids = { }
        for i = 0,epd,1 do
           local PRG = AES.ctr(PRF, zero, O.from_number(i))
           local l,r = OCTET.chop(PRG,16)
           table.insert(ACK.ephemeral_ids, l)

Zencode used for ephids derivation:

scenario 'dp3t': Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing
rule check version 1.0.0
rule input encoding hex
rule output encoding hex
Given nothing
When I set 'secret day key' to '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' as 'hex'
and I set 'epoch' to '15' base '10'
and I set 'broadcast key' to '42726f616463617374206b6579' as 'hex'
and I create the ephemeral ids for today
Then print the 'ephemeral ids'

More info about Zenroom is available at https://dev.zenroom.org

"Broadcast Key": 42726f616463617374206b6579 (13 bytes)
SK: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SK rotate (SHA256):

EphIDs derivation (not randomized)
00000000000000000000000000000000 8fd521e6c47060efcbfdb9b801c30743
00000000000000000000000000000001 d86e56bb702117b8cf20dc4aadd42310
00000000000000000000000000000002 964ae662b3f174814660846d4f9c11e2
00000000000000000000000000000003 374d270a0c559ad1e4672fb1688ae5ad
00000000000000000000000000000004 b5d017a67940300cd28b59a94f739c0e
00000000000000000000000000000005 3208756abf0314be9ffc27a0c391ee91
00000000000000000000000000000006 75b14e4879cd0d5b06cf2b460ab5559a
00000000000000000000000000000007 6ebfd0d03f8ba78086054f313af52c81
00000000000000000000000000000008 c3db7c504dd6172d1e48804bedbaebba
00000000000000000000000000000009 72860d2d1d5a433c1e0f6bbcbefc594d
0000000000000000000000000000000a b9f56e22504d8c5742db013dfe5e55a5
0000000000000000000000000000000b be3e50ab4bed94fe5d770c3395a9295d
0000000000000000000000000000000c a1acf86d88d704498fb7cb963cc33842
0000000000000000000000000000000d a8f37052baa486f68bb26e9422d964d4
0000000000000000000000000000000e 648d8ee1ac6cb9c89e0e3e638840adba
0000000000000000000000000000000f 94ac006996b7ae34202d59f65da4ddcb
0000000000000000000000000000005b bd0088543e940a13eddc29aa4afd8e88
0000000000000000000000000000005c 54068ddb9836fd45ae5b8b595c7b4de9
0000000000000000000000000000005d 05ea0e9e1960975d66eddbec65c9b2fc
0000000000000000000000000000005e aa73fde541bb69b67a0876b3517178c3
0000000000000000000000000000005f f38403173134f2c65682ee799e817ef3
00000000000000000000000000000060 441a550d0872384e1d35e797623c49ae

Vectors using the public broacast key: "Broadcast key" with BOM, in hexadecimals: EFBBBF42726f616463617374206b6579 (:warning: its weird to have a BOM)

BOM prefixed Broadcast key: EFBBBF42726f616463617374206b6579
EphIDs derivation (not randomized)
00000000000000000000000000000000 fe1b1ea676d68530085ae1cc723c4d31
00000000000000000000000000000001 0243e3179c23a473ba8b4c86e1d7b1aa
00000000000000000000000000000002 fd124935dabeecf9a617d7a86b1e28b0
00000000000000000000000000000003 b8641411323c46d87fb5f0bfe08f3b56
00000000000000000000000000000004 51b5aa36a7b4b7de25d8b16a0a8bd26a
00000000000000000000000000000005 527aaf695a01e322ca4b94c8308b5be2
00000000000000000000000000000006 895ae5c00ec8bfc5e56b1c9ca51c15ec
00000000000000000000000000000007 9b608619aed1c56168dfe628f8affa5a
00000000000000000000000000000008 2f20ab131e988456e11fd73e5dc5f1c8
00000000000000000000000000000009 61e7edcb5cadd93c50f4a6d4adfb48b0
0000000000000000000000000000000a fdb4af327e25e8ab4de630ec286943f6
0000000000000000000000000000000b 2ba59ecb7218e40721cee94b0b346383
0000000000000000000000000000000c cf4264bcfec4ca4d7eb0931b0812a589
0000000000000000000000000000000d 7e3621ed6f644bcb8b4ef77a5f9db669
0000000000000000000000000000000e 5fd4044bfd7888db0e84f884b3e62a47
0000000000000000000000000000000f 251ab5cbc2071e048fff5f1dfa703e48
0000000000000000000000000000005b 4a670240419efe09aa43e60b06d22949
0000000000000000000000000000005c 0b504b6010892aebdf4644c92abc4819
0000000000000000000000000000005d 2a90f3179ac914b9178a4dcb9d480f75
0000000000000000000000000000005e 4274e0a715285f60a6f50a0ead03ce8c
0000000000000000000000000000005f 8fa0f78f64bac6baf0e10646df60b1ce
00000000000000000000000000000060 a43ce27ca99c2ae107dd755757edd801
snakehand commented 4 years ago

Could you maybe also add a few test vectors for the SK -> AES-CTR key hmac ?

jaromil commented 4 years ago

Sure! They are now included above below the line SK -> PRF (HMAC):

snakehand commented 4 years ago

I am still having problems recreating your ephemeral. From issue #57 it was pointed out that the IV starts at 0, but I suspect that you have started from 1 - still this is not the only discrepancy that I am dealing with.

snakehand commented 4 years ago

I have included some of these test vectors in the unit tests for the Rust library here : https://github.com/snakehand/dp-3t-client - but the epehemeral IV is is still off by 1 compared to Zenroom.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

@jaromil , @snakehand - having trouble generating exactly the same with Apple's crypto.

Could either of you be so kind to describe how this "n * 10000" string is serialised to uint8_t's ?

I.e some slightly lower level pseudo code ?

snakehand commented 4 years ago

I think you are looking at older code, the IV is a simple counter now, and nonce=0.

In Rust I do this:

            let mut serial = [0u8; 16];
            let mut block = GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&serial);
            cipher.encrypt_block(&mut block);

I.e just copy the counter to big endian bytes at the end of the 16 byte AES input block.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

So I see you do Aes256::new( ... with the key as HMAC of Sk and a password = "Decen.." which yields (for me) 4d91fd2e6c3b27ed696d9a2c971cd148da9d6e13a95749e140d37c3087053ea1 if I do not include the \0.

You then do serial = 16 bytes; top 4 bytes contain a 32 bit/4byte unsigned integer in Big endian order.

And AES encrypt this rolling. And the result is again 16 bytes.

Correct ?

jeffallen commented 4 years ago

(This comment has been edited to sync to the reference implementation released recently.)

The following Kotlin results in the same output as the reference implementation (see https://github.com/DP-3T/reference_implementation/pull/9).

    fun ephIDs(n: Int):  List<EphID> {
        val sha256_HMAC: Mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
        sha256_HMAC.init(SecretKeySpec(sk, "HmacSHA256"))
        val prf = sha256_HMAC.doFinal("Broadcast key".toByteArray())
        val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding")
        val b = ByteArray(16 * n)
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(prf, "AES"), IvParameterSpec(ByteArray(16)))
        cipher.update(b, 0, b.size, b, 0)
        var out = mutableListOf<EphID>();
        for (i in 0 until n) {
            out.add(EphID(b.sliceArray(i*16 until i*16+16)));
        return out

This was useful to me in confirming that the performance would be manageable on low-spec Android phones.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

Ok - so in C this would be:

uint8_t b[16 = [ 0x0, 0x0 .... 0x0 ];

and I take it that IvParameterSpec(ByteArray(16) is simply an IV of 16 bytes that are 0x0 each ?

And we then create 16 byte of zero's plaintext blocks with cipher.update(). Correct.

What is your second EphiID ?

snakehand commented 4 years ago

I am no Java / Kotlin (?) expert but I think MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256") yields the wrong digest. You want to somehow use HMAC-SHA256 with SK as the key, and not just feed it into the digest algorithm

jaromil commented 4 years ago

To avoid further ambiguity I have updated the first post in this issue with the actual code used and with two columns for the EphID vectors: left shows the counter (used as IV / nonce) and right shows the result. In all EphID generation the AES-CTR is used with a plaintext all set to zero. It is also true that I start the counter from 01 rather than 00 as indicated in the whitepaper The vectors are now in correct order and starting from 00.

snakehand commented 4 years ago

@jaromil I think you have the IVs backwards, your loop is counting down in : https://github.com/DECODEproject/Zenroom/blob/master/src/lua/zencode_dp3t.lua

snakehand commented 4 years ago

I updated https://github.com/snakehand/dp-3t-client with a small example that prints some test vectors, including the 0 IV:

eph: 0 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:c7044845a6a0da7a61687e1bb08afca4)
eph: 1 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:a747e729bf2e3de3ec6ecbdb0f889f5b)
eph: 2 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:034015608c5a55672315cb614f5a94a3)
eph: 3 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:6c4902c119d6a7ada139677983ef02b6)
eph: 4 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:c71d3e89927435b2aae42be7e7aea70a)
eph: 5 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:b5ced4fff0f319d40a924f91aecdf1dd)
eph: 6 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:17c93fce14a191a832e217ec2e9347df)
eph: 7 - Ephemeral(day:0, token:282917263748673f63ab3416fc2e3ee9)
jaromil commented 4 years ago

Happy to see we aligned! will correct the sorting of my vectors ASAP I have now corrected the vectors above, confirmed also by @snakehand's implementation in Rust.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

Lovely - I'll update the C/Swift/ObjC to match.

Meanwhile I've put up a small fork of this repo with a branch with temporary editable version of the 3 documents - so it is easier to make notes about details like this in those documents. Reverse engineered/copy-paste job (https://github.com/dirkx/DP-3T-Documents/tree/editable-version -- directory 'src').

dirkx commented 4 years ago

Hmm - not having much luck; the plaintext is 16 x 0 bytes for each Eph_id ?

Below is the code I am using (runnable version at https://gist.github.com/dirkx/53143596fa935b6de96e6521d82797b6)

And correct that the sk is used as the key in the HMAC; and that it sighs the "Decentralized.. " string ? And internally rust/Zenroom does the 14 round cycle on the key to expand it, etc ?

dp3t_err_t generate_ephids(dp3t_skt_t * skt, dp3t_eph_t list[], size_t num) {
    uint8_t aes_key[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    unsigned int len =SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;

    //  local PRF = SHA256:hmac(ACK.secret_day_key, BROADCAST_KEY)

    // 446563656e7472616c697a656420507269766163792d50726573657276696e672050726f78696d6974792054726163696e67
    // unsigned char *HMAC(const EVP_MD *evp_md, const void *key, int key_len, const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md, unsigned int *md_len);
         skt->key, SKT_LEN,// HMAC- key (all 0's in this test)
         SKT_BROADCAST_KEY, sizeof(SKT_BROADCAST_KEY),  // key to be digested and signed
         aes_key, &len);

    // 83b544f1dfb6564e27f6978f43de6c5dfafc510709f270c91daa553fc11cefe1
    print_hex(aes_key, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);

    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

        uint8_t iv[SKT_EHPID_LEN];
        *(uint32_t*)(iv+12) = htonl(i); // big endian or network order.

         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000000
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000001
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000002
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000003
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000004
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000005
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000006
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000007
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000008
         IV: 00000000000000000000000000000009
        printf("IV: "); print_hex(iv,16);

        const EVP_CIPHER * cipher = EVP_aes_128_ctr();

        EVP_CIPHER_CTX * ctx;
        assert(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new());
        assert(1 == EVP_EncryptInit(ctx, cipher, aes_key, iv));
        EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(ctx, 0);

        int len = 0, len2 = 0;
        unsigned char outptr[ 2 * SKT_EHPID_LEN ];

        uint8_t zeros[SKT_EHPID_LEN];

        assert(1 == EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, outptr, &len, zeros, SKT_EHPID_LEN));
        // assert(len <= SKT_EHPID_LEN);

        assert(1 == EVP_EncryptFinal(ctx, outptr + len, &len2));
       //  assert(len + len2 != SKT_EHPID_LEN);

        memcpy(list[i].id,outptr, SKT_EHPID_LEN);



    return 0;
snakehand commented 4 years ago

I have now added a C library wrapper to my Rust code (check out clib) https://github.com/snakehand/dp-3t-client - This should make the code that I have very portable, and could possibly be linked straight into a mobile app on Android / iOS. I have tested performance on a Raspberry Pi, and it seems OK. ( This library is self contained and has no dependencies on ssl libraries. )

jaromil commented 4 years ago

Also Zenroom is ported to react-native android/iOS and we ran some benchmarks on rpi3. I am curious about performance, would you share benchmarks? my test manages to find a single matching SK among 20.000 others in 11 seconds.

snakehand commented 4 years ago

I ran this test on a single core on a Raspberry Pi 4 in around 1 second:

fn speed_test() {
    let mut key: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
    let mut total = 0;
    for i in 0..1000_u32 {
        let rp = ReplayKey::new(0, 14, 8, &key);
        total += rp.fold(0_u64, |s, _e| s + 1);
    println!("{} ephemerals", total);

This test generates 1000 14 8 ephemeral IDs , but without any lookup. ( Lookup should be a O( log n ) operation, and not add a whole lot time )

I should add that the crypto implementations are constant time to prevent leaking secrets. I am not sure how this affects performance.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

@snakehand @jaromil @jeffallen @cascremers @carmelatroncoso - tried to capture all what was said here and on slack in PR https://github.com/DP-3T/documents/pull/117 in terms of test vectors and exact protocol interpretations.

I.e. one that takes away all 'e.g.' in the documents.

jeffallen commented 4 years ago

With the arrival of the official reference implementation, this issue needs to be updated with test vectors from it, and other implementations should sync to them. See https://github.com/DP-3T/reference_implementation/pull/9 for proposed test vectors to use.

jaromil commented 4 years ago

Hi Jeff, yes I see the reference implementation in python now, it generates EphIDs segmenting the output of a bigger chunk of data out of AES-CTR. I will do the same and update my vectors ASAP.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

Updated https://github.com/dirkx/DP-3T-Documents/blob/implementation-profile-start/implementation-profiles/profile.md and pull request https://github.com/DP-3T/reference_implementation/pull/10.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

@jaromil, @snakehand - did you manage ?

We cannot get it to work and 3 different people now all independently got the same values, in 3 languages, but not those of the team python output. So either we are all making the exact same mistake/misreading - or python/Crypthome is special.

See https://lists.dlitz.net/pipermail/pycrypto/2020/000909.html for my summary.

NielsOke commented 4 years ago

Hey @dirkx, i am following the discussions here with great interest and am really looking forward to see the project evolve further. Not sure if this is still relevant but from what i understood from your last comment is, that you cannot get the same test vectors in the python version of your code, compared e.g. with the C version. I think, that you probably have a typo in your AES key definition. If you change key = b"0" * 32 to key = b"\0" * 16 or key = b'\x00' * 16 then i think it is in line with the C version bzero(key,16); since b"0" is the byte object representation of the symbol "0" in acsii which is in hex 0x30. Then in my test run it produces the same test vectors as your other implementations. I am not a python expert myself, but maybe this helps.

jaromil commented 4 years ago

Goodmorning everyone! I have updated the vectors here using both the broadcast key with and without BOM prefix.

dirkx commented 4 years ago

@jaromil - where is the code ?

jaromil commented 4 years ago

It is in the first post of the issue: Zenroom is a virtual machine without external dependencies using Lua as direct-syntax parser, Milagro as crypto backend and its own Zencode language as DSL. In my issue you see both the Lua and the Zencode sources.

Here you find the Zencode implementation inside Zenroom I paste the Lua code from: https://github.com/DECODEproject/Zenroom/blob/master/src/lua/zencode_dp3t.lua Here you find the compliancy tests running at each commit https://github.com/DECODEproject/Zenroom/tree/master/test/nist

More development information about Zenroom is at https://dev.zenroom.org

dirkx commented 4 years ago

And with BOM you mean a UTF-8 like apple has in front of the broadcast key ?

jaromil commented 4 years ago

Yes, I provided that too since I noticed their design has changed that detail so useful to have both.

snakehand commented 4 years ago

Why is a BOM marker even required ? Should the implementation have to handle different byte orderings ? UTF-8 does not require a BOM, since the byte ordering is unambiguous. UTF-16 and UTF-32 does though, but you also need to specify a word size for a BOM to make sense. What is the word size that this BOM refers to ? 16,32,64,128,256 bits ? - Having to use this type of "solution" at all seems a bit alien to me. It is better to have a solid spec that does not leave any openings for byte ordering ambiguities.

jaromil commented 4 years ago

To me too, but then please talk some sense to them, I'm just sticking to my plan to provide test vectors ;^) I have added a note about this weirdness.

jeffallen commented 4 years ago

The broadcast key used by Zenroom and that used by the DP-3T reference implementation, and the DP-3T app all differ: https://github.com/DECODEproject/Zenroom/blob/master/src/lua/zencode_dp3t.lua#L21 https://github.com/DP-3T/reference_implementation/blob/master/LowCostDP3T.py#L29 https://github.com/DP-3T/dp3t-sdk-android/blob/develop/dp3t-sdk/sdk/src/main/java/org/dpppt/android/sdk/internal/crypto/CryptoModule.java#L44

I just filed an issue about straightening out the latter two, here: https://github.com/DP-3T/reference_implementation/issues/11

(I do not see any indication of BOM in either the spec or the two DP-3T implementations. Where are you guys seeing that?)

jaromil commented 4 years ago

I didn't push the dp-3t zenroom scenario update yet, did that in https://github.com/DECODEproject/Zenroom/commit/fc72b3225303db751c9a58f82b2145cede197ef0 the broadcast key is set in zencode (as an external variable lets say).


I confirm running both scripts we have matching vectors! :cowboy_hat_face:

dirkx commented 4 years ago

@snakehand w.r.t. to the BOM. Completely agreed. There is no need for that key to be anything but a well defined, easy to not mis-implement, byte sequence (with no entropy requirements).

So having it a pure US-ASCII, 7 bit safe, printable (32 .. 126) thing is goodness. With no \0 or any other termination. So if it is 'Broadcast key' it is exactly those 13 chars from B to and including y. And that is it.

And yes - that does mean that modern fancy languages need to be a bit careful or define it as something like seed = [ 0x42, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x61, 0x64, 0x63, 0x61, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79 ] if their internal string representation is fancy with BOMs and full unicode normalisation/ligatures/etc.

jaromil commented 4 years ago

checking the plain ASCII test vectors we are testing them against a new WolfSSL based implementation by @danielinux and found they are not the same as the ephids given by the reference implementation. So we have known alignment so far only yet (just up until the HMAC). We realised that there can be confusion, caused by the ambiguity of the white-paper about use of AES or even salsa20; this may be worth a discussion to nail the specification, meanwhile I will see to provide vectors for salsa20 and AES128.

danielinux commented 4 years ago

I've double checked my results using an online tool (cryptii.com) and everything looks correct from my side.

My test vector:

SK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, ...}
PRF = HMAC(SK, "Broadcast key") = d59d48e21935f3389e3bd3eb02cf66989190b7b09ed6c0a4b9616f49455c4f9a

EPHID_N = AES128_CTR(key=PRF[0:15], payload={zeroes}, iv = N} 
produces these EPHIDs:

[ 000 ] 4d36a58e7117d3822c49479288366fb4
[ 001 ] 862021c13506ea7def1c37141357ba1f
[ 002 ] 7da02c6475306dfd048d2b0327a6a01f
[ 003 ] df96b40bf9e6a644d118cdddb2704187
[ 004 ] 4eb8386371adc6f9f302e6a37ccdf10d
[ 005 ] a869a76e55e2676c397fe17792d717bb
[ 006 ] 8f302d4fc3d1929ac36798631ebda93a
[ 007 ] f075719abe8428be8bb5a619dd4da03b
[ 008 ] c1f74b598fa42a7015309a2964a9fcfb

Still a mistery to me how we are getting these other vectors from @dirkx's python branch, note that PRF is identical, but I am not sure about how Cryptodome's AES parameters work:

PRF:    d59d48e21935f3389e3bd3eb02cf66989190b7b09ed6c0a4b9616f49455c4f9a
0   8fd521e6c47060efcbfdb9b801c30743
1   d86e56bb702117b8cf20dc4aadd42310
2   964ae662b3f174814660846d4f9c11e2
3   374d270a0c559ad1e4672fb1688ae5ad
4   b5d017a67940300cd28b59a94f739c0e
5   3208756abf0314be9ffc27a0c391ee91
6   75b14e4879cd0d5b06cf2b460ab5559a
7   6ebfd0d03f8ba78086054f313af52c81
8   c3db7c504dd6172d1e48804bedbaebba
danielinux commented 4 years ago

cryptii.com AES results

From this website

danielinux commented 4 years ago

I've found the issue. Everyone here is using AES256 with a 128bit key, and truncating all the blocks in half. Can you clarify this is the intended behavior? I was simply assuming that AES128 would produce the intended results. In other words, this is what you are doing at the moment:

First 256-bit EPHID as result of the above: 8f d5 21 e6 c4 70 60 ef cb fd b9 b8 01 c3 07 43 d8 6e 56 bb 70 21 17 b8 cf 20 dc 4a ad d4 23 10

Discard the lower 128 bits: 8f d5 21 e6 c4 70 60 ef cb fd b9 b8 01 c3 07 43

Can you please indicate whether this is intended or not, and what is the rationale of using a 256-bit algorithms with all parameters cut down to 128 bits?



snakehand commented 4 years ago

Isn't AES block size always 128 bits regardless of key size ?

In my Rust code ( https://github.com/snakehand/dp-3t-client ) I can get both variants by changing between Aes128 and Aes256, but the truncation happens when the SHA256 output is is fed as a 128 bits AES key. ( The Rust AES code will actually cause a panic or fail to compile of I feed it a key of incorrect size, whereas C and possibly python might just silently truncate the key )

dirkx commented 4 years ago

The mistake, I think is, I and some others, took the 128 bit as meaning AES128_CTR; whereas in fact it is AES256_CTR with the last 128 bit chopped off.

Will verify and update / describe in the implementation notes.

danielinux commented 4 years ago

Thanks for confirming the exact algorithms used.

I've fixed it on decode-proximity-hw, indeed I was assuming AES128 as I was confused by the TRUNCATE_128 method in the reference.

Now the nRF52 device gives the same EphIds:

BLE DP3T service started
All up, running the shell now
> testvec
SK0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Broadcast key: 42726f616463617374206b6579
Zeroes: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  PRF: d59d48e21935f3389e3bd3eb02cf66989190b7b09ed6c0a4b9616f49455c4f9a
  SK Derivation: 66687aadf862bd776c8fc18b8e9f8e20089714856ee233b3902a591d0d5f2925
[ 000 ] 8fd521e6c47060efcbfdb9b801c30743
[ 001 ] d86e56bb702117b8cf20dc4aadd42310
[ 002 ] 964ae662b3f174814660846d4f9c11e2
[ 003 ] 374d270a0c559ad1e4672fb1688ae5ad
[ 004 ] b5d017a67940300cd28b59a94f739c0e
[ 005 ] 3208756abf0314be9ffc27a0c391ee91
[ 006 ] 75b14e4879cd0d5b06cf2b460ab5559a
[ 007 ] 6ebfd0d03f8ba78086054f313af52c81
[ 008 ] c3db7c504dd6172d1e48804bedbaebba

The code to generate EphIds on embedded is here

dirkx commented 4 years ago

I''ve brought the C and Python code in line with https://github.com/DP-3T/reference_implementation/pull/10 -- and swift/java are fine too. And https://github.com/dirkx/DP-3T-Documents/commit/9c0823883a2b4766e6ff8ca1c41cd5448d69822b updated too.