DP-3T / reference_implementation

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Typos in example_run (received beacons) #6

Closed icascudo closed 4 years ago

icascudo commented 4 years ago


I know this is just an example and will probably not be used in the future, but anyway I point out what I suppose are two typos in the code of example_run.py:

I think that in line 57 it should be _[aliceephID] instead of _[bobephID]

Likewise in lines 75,76,78,79 I suppose Bob and Isidor should only receive the ephimeral ID's of each other and not the whole list beacons, am I right? (As far as I understand the protocol, I guess Isidor does not get the beacon Alice sent to Bob before, even though Isidor is meeting Bob)

gannimo commented 4 years ago

The scenario in eaxmple_run.py is a shortened and simplified scenario from all the test cases we had and I made a mistake adjusting the IDs. Originally we had a bunch of extra situations in the example to illustrate different points but decided to optimice for simplicity. I pushed the fix. Thanks for pointing this out.