DPBOX / Final-Fantasy-Friendship-from-scratch

Found this RPG book. https://howtomakeanrpg.com/ I'm using it as a guide and am not plagiarizing to make an RPG completely from scratch using just C++ and Raylib. Raylib uses the zlib license. https://www.raylib.com/license.html
zlib License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Compilation failed with link errors #1

Open Fralacticus opened 8 months ago

Fralacticus commented 8 months ago

Hi, I wanna play the game but the compilation failed (link erros) with the following command sequence. May you give your command sequence please ?

echo > Setup required Environment
echo -------------------------------------
SET RAYLIB_PATH=C:\raylib\raylib
SET COMPILER_PATH=C:\raylib\w64devkit\bin
SET CC=g++
SET CFLAGS=$(RAYLIB_PATH)\src\raylib.rc.data -s -static -fpermissive -Wall -Os -I$(RAYLIB_PATH)\src -Iexternal -DPLATFORM_DESKTOP
SET LDFLAGS=-lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm
echo > Clean latest build
echo ------------------------
cmd /c IF EXIST $(NAME_PART).exe del /F $(NAME_PART).exe
echo > Saving Current File
echo -------------------------
echo > Compile program
echo -----------------------
$(CC) --version
echo > Reset Environment
echo --------------------------
echo > Execute program
echo -----------------------
cmd /c IF EXIST $(NAME_PART).exe $(NAME_PART).exe
DPBOX commented 8 months ago

The game will not compile out of the box because you will get a bunch of linker errors saying that it can not find the stuff in Media.h. This is because the github repository is missing a bunch of .o files that the game needs to compile. Said .o files are the image, music, and sound effect files that the game uses and get baked into the .exe. They contain copyrighted material that I do not own, so they can not be included in the repository. If you need the .o files and want to compile them, you will need to contact me privately either on here or on Discord so I can send them to you. https://discord.gg/aBFJ2H7

I'm very sorry for the late reply, I'm not very active on here and am FAR more active on Discord. I'll try to check here more often from now on. I'm so sorry.

DPBOX commented 8 months ago
