DPGAlliance / publicgoods-scripts

Scripts to generate static site from WordPress
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Form to database #217

Open PelinSmines opened 9 months ago

PelinSmines commented 9 months ago

This is an Epic.  The Feature sets are:

Currently there is no coherent usage of DPGA database for various audience interactions. There are various type of users within DPGA functions:

For all these different user groups, different services/solutions are being used:

What do we need? In 50 in 5 website, we will have a SINGLE form to collect 2 TYPES of leads. When they click on the form button, the form will open and the users will be able to either select only 1 or select both of the options.

We need a database to collect these 3 types of users:

These users will receive a confirmation email that responds when they sign up for these options. We need a common database structure for DPGA platforms. It should create tags for different types of users and it should be possible to have different status for each user:

There will be a need of other elements too. Like member since etc. But for starters we need a structure for collecting data and email sending.

Use cases: 1) DPGA newsletter: On the main page of DPGA there's a Sign up button that opens at Mailchimp. The form has 4 fields: email, name, surname, Organisation. This form collects data to feed the audience in Mailchimp. The newsletter is sent via Mailchimp. Leads from this form should be tagged as DPGA Newsletter-Subscribed.  2) Join the DPGA: Currently there's no form. When clicked, it sends to the Roadmap page. It should collect lead either after clicking the button or a button should be at the Roadmap page.The form can have 4 fields: email, name, surname, Organisation. Leads from this form should be tagged as DPGA member lead. 3) DPG nomination portal: The profiles that are created via nomination process should be stored as DPG nominee. https://app.digitalpublicgoods.net/signup  4) Github contributors: Can we please collect the contributors in our database as well? 5) The 50 in 5 case that is described above

The database should contain updated status of users. These status changes will be triggered by various transactions: When an organisation fills the new lead form that will be placed in Roadmap page, their status will be Member Candidate. When a candidate is becoming an active member, the status will be updated. Currently this is a manual process. However, with the NEW Roadmap, once the member organisation fills the profile information and their activities after submitting, it triggers a review process. Once the review is completed and approved by the DPGA team, they become an active member. So the status is updated to Active Member.  In September, renewal (Activity update) process starts for DPGA members. All the members' status should switch to Renewal Candidate as of September 15. The members should update their activities in the NEW Roadmap. When they update, their status will switch to Renewed Active Member. If the Renewal Candidate doesn't update the activities within given time frame, their status will switch to Supporting Member. This will then trigger the way they are displayed in the DPGA Roadmap site. When a DPG product owner (PO) registers to the nomination portal, their status will be Nominee.  When their DPG is approved to be listed in the registry, their status will be Active DPG. Each product is approved for a year to be on the registry. They need to update and renew their DPG status. The entire process will be redesigned. However, for the current flow; the members that need to renew their status should have a new status as renewal nominee DPG. A NEW FEATURE HERE: Currently when a DPG needs to update/renew the DPG status, their user ID changes. A New user ID assigns to the DPG and the old one is linked. The User ID shouldn't change, instead the status has to change.  When the DPG successfully updates their information and its renewal is approved by the review team, their status will change to Renewed DPG. When a Github contributor joins the repos, their user info should be registered in the database as Github Contributor.  Email subscribers should be registered as subscribed and each time the database is cashed with 3rd party service provider, the unsubscribed ones should be marked with new status. @gazdagergo @skylark1848