After/during the last patch, the output from the MP goes to an unknown interface; and the destination is 00:00:00:00:00:00 irrespective of the actual filter dest. The MP reports the destination correctly, but when 'sniffing' the output interface, nothing appears, only when using 'tcpdump -n -i any ether proto 0x0810' then the mp frames are detected..
There are also cases, when the MP tries to send MP frames > than the MTU +ethernet, the acceptable seems to be 9022, but it tries to push 9036...
Mp-smoke works fine.
It seems that the mp tries to use 00:00:00:00:00:00 as SOURCE address, while mp-smoke uses the correct mp iface address, this could possibly cause the problem.....
After/during the last patch, the output from the MP goes to an unknown interface; and the destination is 00:00:00:00:00:00 irrespective of the actual filter dest. The MP reports the destination correctly, but when 'sniffing' the output interface, nothing appears, only when using 'tcpdump -n -i any ether proto 0x0810' then the mp frames are detected..
There are also cases, when the MP tries to send MP frames > than the MTU +ethernet, the acceptable seems to be 9022, but it tries to push 9036...