DRCL-USC / Hector_Simulation

Simulation Software (ROS/MATLAB) for HECTOR Humanoid Robot Locomotion Control/Bipedal Locomotion Control/Force-and-moment-based MPC
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the robot will fall down once the simulation is start #9

Closed dbdxnuliba closed 9 months ago

dbdxnuliba commented 9 months ago


the terminal show info ''' Right Hip 1 torque cmd = 0.147943 Right Hip 2 torque cmd = -17.1535 Right Thigh torque cmd = 3.37865 Right Knee torque cmd = 47.6448 Right Toe torque cmd = 2.91999 motor joint data0: 0 motor joint data1: 0 motor joint data2: 0 motor joint data3: 0 motor joint data4: 0 motor joint data5: 0 motor joint data6: 0 motor joint data7: 0 motor joint data8: 0 motor joint data9: 0 swing 0: 0.21 Contact 0: 0 swing 1: 0 Contact 1: 0.21 legtau0: 0 legtau1: 0 legtau2: 0 legtau3: 0 legtau4: 0 Left Hip 1 torque cmd = 0 Left Hip 2 torque cmd = 1.58785 Left Thigh torque cmd = -0.000794176 Left Knee torque cmd = -2.29608 Left Toe torque cmd = 0 legtau0: 0.147943 legtau1: -17.1535 legtau2: 3.37865 legtau3: 47.6448 legtau4: 2.91999 Right Hip 1 torque cmd = 0.147943 Right Hip 2 torque cmd = -17.1535 Right Thigh torque cmd = 3.37865 Right Knee torque cmd = 47.6448 Right Toe torque cmd = 2.91999 motor joint data0: 0 motor joint data1: 0 motor joint data2: 0 motor joint data3: 0 motor joint data4: 0 motor joint data5: 0 motor joint data6: 0 motor joint data7: 0 motor joint data8: 0 motor joint data9: 0 '''

and robot@test:~/ws_hector$ rostopic echo /hector_gazebo/L_hip_controller/state WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?

leobince commented 8 months ago

same problem