DRE2N / DungeonsXL

Create custom dungeons and adventure maps with ease!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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the Use item trigger does not work when using an item with underscore in the name #1087

Open Anyali77 opened 2 years ago

Anyali77 commented 2 years ago

(Please follow this template, as doing so saves both you and me a lot of time. Issues that don't follow the template may be closed.)


If I use a use item trigger and use an item without underscore in the name everything works, but if I use an item with underscore it does not work.


(List steps to reproduce, e.g.:

  1. Create a new dungeon with /dxl create
  2. Place [ready] sign, lobby sign and start sign
  3. Place two doors with Door sign and use the use item trigger 1 with e. g. apple and 1 with e. g. iron_ingot
  4. Leave edit mode with /dxl leave
  5. Test with /dxl play

(A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen, e.g.: I wanted the pigs to turn blue and dig mole-like tunnels instead X( )

the doors should open when i hold an apple in my hand at one and an iron_ingot at the other. The door with the apple opens, the door with the iron_ingot does not. have tried it with different items. Always the items with underscore do not work.