DRE2N / DungeonsXL

Create custom dungeons and adventure maps with ease!
GNU General Public License v3.0
152 stars 84 forks source link

Dungeons and teleport command #1097

Open PystoyPlayer opened 2 years ago

PystoyPlayer commented 2 years ago

(Please follow this template, as doing so saves both you and me a lot of time. Issues that don't follow the template may be closed.)


If you join dungeon lobby and type /spawn or smth like that you will be teleported to the dungeon start, but all scripts will be visible


  1. Create a new dungeon with /dxl create
  2. Place [ready] sign, [start], [mob]/pig/0,1/D5 sign
  3. Leave edit mode with /dxl leave
  4. Test with /dxl play
  5. Type /spawn or other tp command

Expected behavior

Teleport back to the [ready] sign, not [start]

Screenshots / GIFs / videos

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/868520892349685830/971498314090549328/IMG_3624.mov I was lazy to turn on desktop recorder, so sorry

PystoyPlayer commented 1 year ago

Ok, for now, I will just block some commands in Dungeons. Thx for the reply…