DRE2N / DungeonsXL

Create custom dungeons and adventure maps with ease!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Read Up Causes Lets Players Place Water #1100

Open SalcosPGC opened 2 years ago

SalcosPGC commented 2 years ago

(Please follow this template, as doing so saves both you and me a lot of time. Issues that don't follow the template may be closed.)


I have the interaction for buckets and the boolean for place blocks disabled in my config file for the worlds, and tried it for the defaults in the main config but the issue still persists. I have also verified the validity of the YAML file. Initially, when waiting in a lobby, players are unable to place water from a bucket. But after the team readies up they are able to place water freely in a dungeon. ALL OTHER CONFIG SETTINGS WORK INCLUDING LIVES


Player enters dungeon Team readies up Player starts at start point and is able to bypass the placeblocks: false and interact rules.

Expected behavior

Players not able to put water/lava down per config rules.

Screenshots / GIFs / videos

(If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.)

Relevant configuration files


# Time until a player is kicked from this dungeon after going offline (in seconds)
# -1 = never / 0 = immediately
timeUntilKickOfflinePlayer: 10000

# Time until a player can get loot for another time
timeToNextLoot: 12

# See https://github.com/DRE2N/DungeonsXL/wiki/game-goal for more information.
  type: END

# The game mode, SURVIVAL if nothing
gameMode: SURVIVAL

# If players may fly.
fly: false

# PvP
playerVersusPlayer: false
# Friendly fire refers just to members of the same group
friendlyFire: false

# These commands can be used by all players if they are in the dungeon.
# DXL commands like /dxl leave are included by default.
  - version
  - f list
  - f show
  - ch global

# Where the player respawns when he leaves the dungeon without finishing the game.
escapeLocation: "spawnworld,165,65,-196"
# Where the player respawns when he finishs the game.
finishLocation: "spawnworld,165,65,-196"

# A list of requirements
# Note that requirements will be ignored if the player has the
# dxl.ignorerequirements permission node.
  # If the group has too many or not enough members, the players will not be allowed to use the ready sign.
    minimum: 1
    maximum: 3

# Shall players play the dungeon with their own items or do you want to use classes?
keepInventoryOnEnter: true
# Shall players lose their items when they die (do not mix up this with "onEscape"!)?
keepInventoryOnDeath: true
# Shall players keep their inventory when they finish the dungeon?
keepInventoryOnFinish: true
# Shall players keep their inventory when they leave the dungeon without succeeding?
keepInventoryOnEscape: true

# If players can destroy blocks in this world.
# (The following rule can be either a boolean, "placed" or a whitelist of blocks to break.)
breakBlocks: false
# If blocks may be placed.
# (The following rule can be either a boolean or a whitelist of blocks to place.)
placeBlocks: false

# A list of all entity types that shall be protected from damage.
# If this is left out AND if breakBlocks is false, armor stands, paintings
# and item frames will be protected by default.
# If this is left out and if breakBlocks is true, nothing will be protected by default.
# A list of all entity types 
# If this is left out AND if breakBlocks is false, armor stands
# and item frames will be protected by default.
# If this is left out and if breakBlocks is true, nothing will be protected by default.

# If blocks may be placed.
# (The following rule can be either a boolean or a whitelist of blocks to place.)

# = Vanilla doFireTick
fireTick: false

# Blocks that don't fade away.
  - ICE

# Enables EXP drops of all mobs.
mobExpDrops: true
# Or alternatively, a whitelist of mob types that may drop EXP can be used:

# The item drop rule works the same way:
mobItemDrops: true
# or:

initialLives: 1

# Messages also to be created with /dxl msg
  '1': Welcome to this dungeon!
  '2': Another message

# A list of permissions players get while they play the game.
# The permissions get removed as soon as the player leaves the game.
# Requires Vault and a permissions plugin like PermissionsEx.
  - dxl.reload
  - another.node

# Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message.
# This is fully compatible with the override system.
# If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
  title: "&6Corrupted Hive"
  fadeIn: 1.0
  show: 3.0
  fadeOut: 1.0

# If it should rain permanently in the dungeon
# true = permanent rain
# false = permanent sun
# leaving this out = random weather like in vanilla Minecraft
rain: false

# Same principle as above but for thunderstorms
thunder: false

# The time ticks (to be used like in the vanilla /time command)
time: 20000