DRE2N / FactionsOne

Factions 1.8.2 with UUID support - updated to latest Bukkit versions!
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Weird error #16

Closed airoons closed 7 years ago

airoons commented 7 years ago

Hello, for past few days server keep crashing after uknown amount of hours. I really don't know why, in this error is many plugins, someone told, that factions is main "problem", so please help!

Here is crash: http://pastebin.com/hBaCZjue

Sataniel98 commented 7 years ago

Is this the full stacktrace?

airoons commented 7 years ago

What does that mean? I pasted full error, what I got in console.

Sataniel98 commented 7 years ago

Indeed, it could be caused by an event only called at MONITOR. However, it's hard to reproduce it for me because it seems to occur just if multiple plugins do hacky stuff that mess up things. Would you please test this build and tell me if it works and if there are any new issues with the chat? http://feuerstern.bplaced.net/repo/io/github/dre2n/factionsone/archives/factionsone-1.3-SNAPSHOT-09.jar

airoons commented 7 years ago

My server is running more than 7hours without crash, I'll test that version for few more hours, then I'll respond to this issue again...

BTW, now in console there is very weird formatting: http://prntscr.com/byn57k

Sataniel98 commented 7 years ago

It seems I'll have to rewrite this to make it work perfectly. The in game chat is not affected?

airoons commented 7 years ago

Nope, that only shows up in console

airoons commented 7 years ago

Hello, after about 14H there is a new crash, this seems like a little bit different, I can't tell if Factions is the main cause... http://pastebin.com/nqcnemi5

Sataniel98 commented 7 years ago

Well, it doesn't even appear in the stacktrace, so I don't think it's the reason.