DRE2N / FactionsOne

Factions 1.8.2 with UUID support - updated to latest Bukkit versions!
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Factions role showing for factionsless members. #18

Closed MTM123 closed 7 years ago

MTM123 commented 7 years ago

Version: FactionsOne v1.2.1

1) I changed "colorNeutral" from "WHITE" to "GRAY". Now it only shows that color even though I'm member of that faction so it should display color green(by default). FIXED(forgot to turn on chatParseTagColors)

2) Role prefix is showing ("+" by default) for factionless players by using tag: {faction_roleprefix} for formating

Sataniel98 commented 7 years ago

Yes, because they are members of "Wilderness".

MTM123 commented 7 years ago

Is there any way to fix it?

Sataniel98 commented 7 years ago

Well, it's not wrong, so no. You can remove the + for all members, though: Just stop the server and modify the prefix in the conf.json (/f config won't work because MC doesn't allow empty arguments).

MTM123 commented 7 years ago

Not exactly what I was looking for. Guess I'll try remove through AsyncPlayerchatevent. Thanks for your time!