Closed Zanadude closed 3 years ago
Hey, turns out it was just groupmanager, I migrated to Luckperms and everything's working! Thanks for the excellent plugin.
Glad to hear it's resolved. I'm fine so far and hope you're too. Let me know if you have other problems :)
Hello Sataniel, I hope all is well during these times of pandemic. I've been working on a server in which can use this plugin. I'm currently having an issue in which when I use /m under my default group(GroupManager Plugin) It says this "The menu main does not exist".
My default rank uses these permissions
The title of the menu file is main.yml it is located within the menus folder [main.yml contents] (i will also list the config.yml contents further below)
type: PRIVATE followingOnMove: true menuPages: 1: buttons: 1: label: "&f[ &2Skyblock&f Island ]" type: BUTTON command: "island" variableMessages: closeMenu: true permission: menu.button1 x: 0.0 y: 0.4 2: label: "&f[ &2CaveBlock&f Island ]" type: BUTTON command: "cave" variableMessages: closeMenu: true permission: menu.button2 x: 0.0 y: 0.1 3: label: "&f[ &2Acid&f Island ]" type: BUTTON command: "ai" variableMessages: closeMenu: true permission: menu.button3 x: 0.0 y: -0.2 4: label: "&f[ &2Skygrid&f World ]" type: BUTTON command: "Skygrid" variableMessages: closeMenu: true permission: menu.button4 x: 0.0 y: -0.5 5: label: "&f[ &6Infinite &fParkour ]" type: BUTTON command: "witp join" variableMessages: closeMenu: true permission: menu.button5 x: 0.0 y: -0.8
staticButtons: 1: item: "INK_SACK:4" type: TITLE x: 0.0 y: 1.8 2: label: "&6&lGAMEMODE &e&lMENU" type: TITLE x: 0.0 y: 0.7 3: label: "&a[CLOSE]" type: BUTTON sound: closeMenu: true x: 0.0 y: -1.10 distance: 1.75 rotationTolerance: 25
[Config.yml Contents]
configVersion: 0 language: english mainMenu: main
The menu is found and works when the user is an operator Any help would be appreciated, cheers!