DRL-Navigation / DDRL4NAV

We reproduce a light RL training framework from OpenAi Five. As seen in the following, the structure of our framework is totally the same as the paper shown. 3 key ingredients in the RL training process, Forward Module, Backward Module, and Env Module are separated.
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torch.size question in NavPedPreNet() #1

Open SpikeJishuo opened 1 year ago

SpikeJishuo commented 1 year ago


Could you plz tell me what does state[2] stand for in pedstrians exsisting scenario?
I got torch.size([1, 96, 48]) of torch.cat([state[0], state[2]], axis=1)))instead of ([64, 4, 3, 3]) .

SnallQiu commented 1 year ago


Could you plz tell me what does state[2] stand for in pedstrians exsisting scenario? I got torch.size([1, 96, 48]) of torch.cat([state[0], state[2]], axis=1)))instead of ([64, 4, 3, 3]) .

the index of state here is defined in https://github.com/DRL-Navigation/img_env/blob/master/envs/wrapper/filter_states.py