DRSchlaubi / lyrics.kt

A Lyrics finder for Lavaplayer/Lavalink and Kotlin
MIT License
12 stars 2 forks source link

Some errors when trying to use the plugin #1

Closed 1Lucas1apk closed 6 months ago

1Lucas1apk commented 6 months ago

Hello, today I was making some codes to support a plugin, but there are some things that aren't working correctly, I think with Lyrics.kt


  timestamp: 1703985314125,
  status: 404,
  error: 'Not Found',
  message: 'Not Found',
  path: '/v4/sessions/.../players/.../lyrics'

It gives this error for any song that is playing in the player


    videoId: 'PZqLVs7m9jo',
    title: 'nesta casa não existem fantasmas, são puras lembranças... ( legendado) { tradução }'
    videoId: '3AgxhgVMt9o',
    title: 'En Esta Casa No Existen Fantasmas Solo Recuerdos'
  { videoId: 'UsaLBzY8S3M', title: 'Lei da Vida' },
  { videoId: 'hqX42B0f8Hk', title: 'Lei da Vida pt. 2' }

So far it seems to be working, but sometimes if you use the videoId with (lyrics/{videoId}) it says it doesn't exist

  timestamp: 1703985454849,
  status: 404,
  error: 'Not Found',
  message: 'Not Found',
  path: '/v4/lyrics/PZqLVs7m9jo'
DRSchlaubi commented 6 months ago

that means, that the lyrics don't exist, not all videoIds returned by search work, since the search endpoint used, does not have that information and checking it would require 2 tracks per result, so very easy rate limit

1Lucas1apk commented 6 months ago

I understood