DReichLab / waldo

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Tracking Time Samples have been in freezers/fridges #116

Open KimCallan opened 1 year ago

KimCallan commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to track when the FluidX Lysate Plates move from the fridge to the freezer (so we know how long they spent in the fridge before moving to their final freezer temp). And the same for the Extra Powder Boxes. These were currently stored in fridges and going forward will be stored in freezers. So for these, its only the old boxes that are moving temperatures, all new boxes should go straight from in use to freezer storage. And is there a way for WALDO to alert us somehow when it is time to move the Lysate Plates? We don't know exactly when we want to move them yet, but the current thought is that after 6 months they should move if they haven't already. So can WALDO somehow track when the 6 months is up and say its time???

MatthewMah commented 1 year ago

Are we trying to track the FluidX lysate plates if they also move out of the freezer later? Or are we assuming they are only in the refrigerators once?

Yes, it's possible to notify when plates have been in a particular kind of storage for a length of time. That's a good candidate for something to go on the main landing page.

KimCallan commented 1 year ago

Ideally, if possible we would like to track each time these FluidX plates move between freezer and fridge. I know this will be the harder option to do. we don't have a standard number of times this would happen, so will be harder than just adding an extra column or two I think