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Collaborator Extracts #38

Open KimCallan opened 2 years ago

KimCallan commented 2 years ago

We need to be able to enter in Extracts that were made in a different lab and sent to us, these don't have an S-ID yet and don't exist anywhere in WALDO, so need to get one assigned

KimCallan commented 1 year ago

Pinhasi sent us some Collaborator extracts, so this is potentially needed sooner rather than later now.

KimCallan commented 1 year ago

We need something like what you did for the Powder Prep Queue which took all the collaborator powders out of the regular queue but allowed us to place them onto a lysate batch. But this time, we need an Extract queue that allows us to skip ahead and place them straight on a Library Plate but also have all the info we would typically have at the earlier stages (such as Country Origin, type of bone used, etc.)

MatthewMah commented 1 year ago
  1. When do you want the sample ID to be assigned? When the Extract is added to a library plate?
  2. Do collaborator extracts get processed separately from our Reich lab-generated extracts? That is, library plates are all collaborator extracts, or all Reich lab extracts?
  3. Will Aisling be adding extract entries for these collaborator extracts? Or do I need to create an interface for someone in the wetlab to enter them?
KimCallan commented 1 year ago
  1. S-IDs should be assigned when added to a library plate. They should be in the Queue using the Collaborator IDs.
  2. Currently we operate that we process them separately. However, there is nothing "science-y" that would prevent us from doing these on the same plate. So am thinking we should give ourselves the option to make mixed plates. But if that is way too hard, we can discuss further to see if it is a real need to have.
  3. Aisling would be adding the entries into the database. She'll know more on what sort of columns to add, but we need to see basically the same stuff we see for a regular bone sample (country, mgs used, extract amount created, type of bone, etc.)