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A template repo for starting a project #10

Open abranczyk opened 11 months ago

abranczyk commented 11 months ago

Once an open problem is ready to be worked on, it will have a repo for that projects. We will want a repo template that people can use to start a new project to guide them about best practices.

Christophe-pere commented 11 months ago

Do you mean best practices in term of collecting, analysing and doing research? Or do you mean best practices to organize the project (like an open source project for software)?

abranczyk commented 11 months ago

I think for the repo template, it would be more the second option:

best practices to organize the project (like an open source project for software)?

Eg how to make a branch, how to make your changes, how to make a pull request, how to review one and merge it, how much changes can you make in a single pull request. All of it should be annotated with why it's important to do those things for effective collaboration between people who might not know each other (or with your future self who might not remember what your past self was doing because life got in the way).

And so, I think it also bleeds into best practices of doing research to some extent...and it would likely include templates for writing literature reviews etc.

Other material like best practices for doing the pieces of the research are also important to provide, but might live in documentation elsewhere.

This is all up for discussion though and we will likely need to experiment with it to see what works best.

What do you think?

abranczyk commented 11 months ago

Also, I think having inside the repo a folder with a template latex project for a research paper, with instructions how to link to an overleaf account is something we should consider.

Christophe-pere commented 11 months ago

I see, I think I will learn a lot from this one, especially. I can take it.

abranczyk commented 11 months ago

For sure, feel free to take this one.

I think the template you proposed in https://github.com/DRiP-project/meta/issues/7#issuecomment-1680443703 would actually be good here in the template repo. See my reply (https://github.com/DRiP-project/meta/issues/7#issuecomment-1683951398) for explanation.