DS-13-Dev-Team / DS13-1.0

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Suggestion for 2.0: Necro Changes #2269

Open MarshalRed opened 1 year ago

MarshalRed commented 1 year ago

Suggestion: I have a list of necro changes that I think would make necromorphs far more fun and better for high pop while also fixing alot of the LRP bullshit they mostly do.

Signal Changes: -They can open doors again as a new ability but it has a minute cooldown (Can be changed for the sake of balance) -Runes cannot be within 3 tiles of other runes. -Scrawls cannot be within 3 tiles of other scrawls. -Burst lights has a minute cooldown (Both varients of the ability) -Give them a list of the unitologists zealots Biomass system overhaul: -Get rid of maws and instead have corruption and infectors get biomass from corpses. (Give biomass upon turning corpses for infectors, make 1/6 the amount that you would get from leaving bodies on corruption) -Lessen the importance of corruption spreading, make it only for key areas spread by infectors. (Makes infectors much more of a support class, perhaps speed up their ability to create new growth.) -Tier'd necros can only be spawned if there if 2 of the previous tier. (1 tier 3 equals 4 tier 2s and 8 tier 1s. Ubermorph or the Tormentor would be spawned whenever total biomass for them is reached regardless of the tiers on the field.) (I understand this would not work well with low pop.) Necros: -Stay murdery kids.

What do you think it'd add: Make signals less cancerous to indiviuals while still being able to affect the environment and make it so people don't sit in signal forever if they want to play as a necromorph.

Cartlord commented 1 year ago

Blowout is, currently, not just for flavor - it's legitimately used to burst lights near where humans and Necros meet so that the humans can't see, and I think giving it a 60-second cooldown would make it much more difficult to make practical use of that. I'm also, frankly, willing to bet that making every corruption tile check if there's a body on it to generate biomass will result in even more fuckin' lag.

MarshalRed commented 1 year ago

Well hopefully corruption stops being something to spread throughout the entire ship and only in areas like hydroponics or cryo.

Autisem commented 1 year ago

you could have corpses register a signal of some sort, only needing to check on death or when they are moved whether or not they are on corruption

francinum commented 1 year ago

Issues/Feature Requests related to 2.0 should be created on https://github.com/DS-13-Dev-Team/Dead-Space-13, not here.