DS-GA3001-015 / R_Data-Visualization

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HW2 #2

Open KacieKK opened 6 years ago

KacieKK commented 6 years ago

there are still some bugs in 4(a), I am about to calculate the min distance of it, but I dont have more time to fix them, please take a look at the codes and if could, give partial credits. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you so much

edufierro commented 6 years ago
  1. Location of Severe Fires (4p)

Did not exclude location outside NY, but succsfully set view to NYC (2p) Leaflet ok (2p)

2.a Color by Type of Property (6p)

OK collapsed categories (2p) OK Leaflet map (2p) Popup ok (2p)

2.b Cluster (2p)

OK (2p)

  1. Fire Houses (4p)

There seems to be a bug with severity. You have a fire of 7000 mins (that is, 4.8 days!). WOn't take points for that this time, but this should raise suspision. (2p)

Implementation of layers: The size of the markers you selected for Firehouses makes it really dificult to see the data. Just a thing to keep in mind (2p)

4.a. Calculate Distance and Scatter Plot (4p)

Calculate distances - YOu commented out that part of the code. I tried replicating it and it doesn't work (0p)

No scatter plot, I couldn't replicate what you did (0p)

4.b. Map of Response Times (2p)

Ok, map shown as radius (2p)

FORMAT (-5p)

Please call all the package you use with (i.e. library) at the very beginning of the file. That's just good practrice (No points taken for this). It's also a good practice to remove at the end the packages that you are not using (No points taken for this.) You left part of the default code when opening an .Rmd file, should remove it (No points taken for this).

Total Points: 18/22 Late policy: -0 Format: -0

Final grade: 18/22