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[Feature] Collectable Chaos Emeralds. #8

Closed DxsSucuk closed 7 months ago

DxsSucuk commented 7 months ago

This PR adds all 7 chaos emeralds as Tier 2 Items, which means its no longer possible to just go Super Sonic but rather requires the player to collect all 7 before being able to go super sonic. After transformation all the emeralds will be removed (amount-1) from the inventory.

Here is a picture from the Inventory Icons. image

DxsSucuk commented 7 months ago

Since a discussion on the RoR2 Modding community started about changing those items to instead be found in random positions on the map, I dont recommend yet merging thats why this is being set to a draft now.

DxsSucuk commented 7 months ago

Everything should now be ready for merge, I still recommend a manually look over the textures that I added and replacing them.

For example the Texture for the Sonic Atlas Model has a bit of a miss coloring in the eyes so a bit of green is still visible.

Otherwise with this PR you will need all 7 emeralds to go super sonic, the emeralds are obtainable on each stage via the Sonic Atlas statues. To receive a emerald you have to pay 350 coins. Once you go super you are going to lose one emerald of each typ. This means the emeralds are stackable, for this to be effective in this PR there is no stage limit anymore, which means you can collect 7 sets of emeralds over the span of 7 stage and go super sonic 7 times in one stage. This might need some balancing like a cooldown to prevent spamming.