DS4PS / Data-Science-Class

Repository for all files for the Foundations of Data Science I, II and III course sequence.
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Chapter 3, unable to replicate results from chapter #3

Closed BissKuttner closed 6 years ago

BissKuttner commented 6 years ago

I am going through chapt 3 tutorial and was trying to replicate the examples. I copied pasted the code and got the following results below. Where is the error?

strength <- c(167,185,119,142) name <- c("adam","jamal","linda","sriti") group <- factor( c( "treatment","control","treatment","control" ) )

plot( strength, col="blue", ... )

plot( strength, col=group, ... )

plot( strength, col="blue", ... ) Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

plot( strength, col=group, ... ) Error: '...' used in an incorrect context