DS4PS / cpp-523-fall-2020

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Issues with pairs plot/Lab 04 #12

Open sandralili opened 3 years ago

sandralili commented 3 years ago

I could not add the regression line to the pairs plot. This is my code:

pairs( dat[c("SWB","ND","PSS","CSE","RSE")], 

This is the mistake I had on the rmd file: Error in pairs.default(dat[c("SWB", "ND", "PSS", "CSE", "RSE")], lower.panel = panel.smooth, : object 'panel.cor' not found

I added the "library(Hmisc)" and did not work either. I did not have problems with the other pairs plots of former labs, I was wondering if I am missing something else.


lecy commented 3 years ago

You need to run the code at the top of the RMD file that loads the panel.cor() function.

sandralili commented 3 years ago

Thank you Professor Lecy!