DS4PS / cpp-525-sum-2020

Course shell for CPP 525 Foundations of Program Evaluation III for Summer 2020.
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Lab 02 #3

Open meliapetersen opened 4 years ago

meliapetersen commented 4 years ago

Hi @lecy @Dselby86, I'm having an issue with my stargazer table presenting the information correctly. For some reason my tables are saying that the tax coefficient is there my data starts for each state. Here is my code:

stargazer(Pooled_OLS, fixed_reg, fixed, 
           type = "text", 
           dep.var.labels = ("Accidents"),
           column.labels = c("Pooled OLS", "Fixed Effect", "PLM"),
           covariate.labels = c("Intercept",
                                "State 1",  "State 2",  "State 3",  "State 4", "State 5", "State 6", "State 7"),
           omit.stat = "all", 
           digits = 2, intercept.bottom = FALSE )

Here is a photo of what my table looks like:

Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 4 23 19 PM

lecy commented 4 years ago

Try removing this argument and see what prints:

ovariate.labels = c("Intercept",
                                "State 1",  "State 2",  "State 3",  "State 4", "State 5", "State 6", "State 7"),

I don't have it up, but the PLM print-out might suppress the fixed effect dummies by default. You might have to add an argument to have them printed.

You will see based upon the output after you drop that argument.

It is unusual in practice to report coefficients for fixed effects (unless they are pertinent to the research question somehow). They are primarily there as a control to fix the bias. Instead people just note that state-level fixed effects were included in the model.

Not sure what the lab is asking for! I don't have it open.

meliapetersen commented 4 years ago

That adjusted it, thank you!