DS4PS / cpp-526-fall-2019

Course material for CPP 526 Foundations of Data Science I
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Final #27

Open jmacost5 opened 5 years ago

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

I was running the document to see what it looks like to get an idea of the tabs and it is giving me an error.

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

Should I be putting the commute.type variable in a different place?

checkboxGroupInput("days", label = h3("Day of Week"), 
    choices = list("Monday"    = "Mon", 
                   "Tuesday"   = "Tue", 
                   "Wednesday" = "Wed", 
                   "Thursday"  = "Thu",
                   "Friday"    = "Fri",
                   "Saturday"  = "Sat",
                   "Sunday"    = "Sun" ),
    selected = c("Sun"))

radioButtons("commute.type", label = h3("Commute Type"),
    choices = c("Work", "Morning Commute", "School Pickup", "Evening Commute", "Night", "Midnight to Dawn"), selected = c("Work"))

# parameters


Traffic Accidents By Day and Commute


  days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  dat$commute.type <- dat$time.of.day

dat <- mutate( dat, commute.type = time.of.day )
dat %>%
    filter( day %in% input$days, commute.type %in% input$some_widget_name )

  d2$col.vec <- ifelse( d2$nohurt, "gray20", ifelse(d2$inj, "steelblue", "darkorange") )              

  point.size <- d2$Totalinjuries + d2$Totalfatalities

  crash.details <- paste0( "Time: ", d2$DateTime, "<br>",
                     "Total Fatalities: ", d2$Totalfatalities, "<br>",
                     "Total Injuries: ", d2$Totalinjuries, "<br>",
                     "Collision type: ", d2$Collisionmanner)

  tempe <- leaflet( ) %>% 
              addProviderTiles( "CartoDB.Positron" )  %>%
              setView( lng=-111.9278, lat=33.39951, zoom=13 )

  addCircles( tempe, lng=d2$Longitude, lat=d2$Latitude,
              fillColor=d2$col.vec, fillOpacity=0.5, 
              stroke=F, radius=50*(1+0.33*point.size),
              popup=crash.details )

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

For this one I am getting an Error too, I am trying to use the variable for being under the influence, I noticed that there was drug and Alcohol influence So I tried to make it for both. These are the main things I changed.

radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv1", "DrugUse_Drv1", label = h4("Driver 1 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol", "Drugs", "Alcohol & Drugs"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))
radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv2", "DrugUse_Drv2", label = h4("Driver 2 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol", "Drugs", "Alcohol & Drugs"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))

  d10 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$driver.1.age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$driver.1.age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.gender, 
            Unittype_One %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
            Unittype_One %in% input$driver.1.DrugUse

d11 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv2 >= input$driver.2.age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$driver.2.age[2], 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.gender, 
            Unittype_Two %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse
            Unittype_Two %in% input$driver.2.DrugUse
castower commented 5 years ago

Hello all, I'm curious if anyone has tried to change their icons? I want to replace the one for injuries with an injured icon from font-awesome, but I'm a little confused on what I'm doing wrong.

I have changed the code to the following:


  days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  time.of.accident <- input$time

   d2 <- 
    dat %>%
    filter( day %in% input$days, 
            time.of.day %in% time.of.accident )

  total.injuries <- sum( d2$Totalinjuries )
           icon = "fa-user-injured",
           color = ifelse( total.injuries > 30, "danger", "primary" ))

To reference this icon: https://fontawesome.com/icons/user-injured?style=solid

However, my icon isn't showing up and I'm not sure what to do. I also tried typing in "fas-fa-user-injured", but it also didn't do anything. Any advice would be great!


lecy commented 5 years ago

@castower That's an Font Awesome version 5.4.0 icon. It might be that R flexdashboard hasn't updated the most recent versions.

Try an icon from version 5.1.0 or earlier. Do they work?

castower commented 5 years ago

@castower That's an Font Awesome version 5.4.0 icon. It might be that R flexdashboard hasn't updated the most recent versions.

Try an icon from version 5.1.0 or earlier. Do they work?

Ah, yes that must be the issue. The ones from 5.1.0 work fine. Thanks!

lecy commented 5 years ago

@sunaynagoel I wonder if knitr 1.25.1 is not the development package we installed, and it can't find it as a result? The current version is 1.25:


Can you uninstall knitr and try the regular install (now that we know the problem from before was not knitr). Should be something like:

install_version("knitr", version = "1.25", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")


lecy commented 5 years ago

@jmacost5 I think there is an issue in how you are trying to link input widgets and your filter functions.

Filters require a vector name and a value (or values). The value comes from the input widget stored at input$widget_name.

I don't see you linking widget names and input values here:

radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv1", "DrugUse_Drv1", label = h4("Driver 1 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol", "Drugs", "Alcohol & Drugs"), 
    selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))

  d10 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$driver.1.age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$driver.1.age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.gender, 
            Unittype_One %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
            Unittype_One %in% input$driver.1.DrugUse

First, you have two widget names: "AlcoholUse_Drv1", "DrugUse_Drv1".

Second, you should be referencing the values captured by the radioButton in the filter function here:

Unittype_One %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse  # should be input$AlcoholUse_Drv1 ?

Third, the Unittype_One variable describes the vehicle type:

> table( dat$Unittype_One )
      Driver   Driverless Pedalcyclist   Pedestrian 
       27549           29          709          183 

The variable AlcoholUse_Drv1 describes alcohol use.

> table( dat$AlcoholUse_Drv1 )
                                    Alcohol No Apparent Influence 
                  380                  1246                 26844 

You might mean the constructed variable d1.substance?

dat <- 
  dat %>% 
  mutate( d1.substance = case_when( AlcoholUse_Drv1 == "Alcohol" & 
                                      DrugUse_Drv1 == "No Apparent Influence" ~ "Alcohol", 
                                   AlcoholUse_Drv1 == "No Apparent Influence" & 
                                     DrugUse_Drv1 == "Drugs" ~ "Drugs", 
                                   AlcoholUse_Drv1 == "Alcohol" & 
                                     DrugUse_Drv1 == "Drugs" ~ "Alcohol and Drugs", 
                                   AlcoholUse_Drv1 == "No Apparent Influence" & 
                                     DrugUse_Drv1 == "No Apparent Influence" ~ "No Apparent Influence"))
sunaynagoel commented 5 years ago

@sunaynagoel I wonder if knitr 1.25.1 is not the development package we installed, and it can't find it as a result? The current version is 1.25:


Can you uninstall knitr and try the regular install (now that we know the problem from before was not knitr). Should be something like:

install_version("knitr", version = "1.25", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")


@lecy It worked. Thanks a lot.

castower commented 5 years ago

Hello all, I'm probably completely overlooking something here, but I'm currently trying to figure out why my point plot isn't changing with the day of the week.

Here is my input for the dashboard:

Driver Characteristics
selectInput("days", label = h3("Day of Week"), 
    choices = list("Monday"    = "Mon", 
                   "Tuesday"   = "Tue", 
                   "Wednesday" = "Wed", 
                   "Thursday"  = "Thu",
                   "Friday"    = "Fri",
                   "Saturday"  = "Sat",
                   "Sunday"    = "Sun" ),
    selected = c("Sun"))
selectInput("d1gender", label = h4("Driver 1 Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male","Female", "Unknown"), selected = c("Male"))
radioButtons("d1pedcy", label = h4("Driver 1 Transportation"),
    choices = c("Driver", "Pedalcyclist", "Pedestrian"), selected = c("Driver"))

And here is my code for the output:


Chart2 <- 
  dat %>% 
  filter( as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy) %>%
  group_by( hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) ) 

plot.window( xlim=c(0, 24), ylim=c(0, 1500), family= "sans" )
points( Chart2$hour, Chart2$harm, col="firebrick", pch=19, type="b", cex=2 )
xlab="Hour of the Day" 
ylab="Number of Injuries and Accidents"
main="Total number of Injuries and Accidents by Hour of the Day"
axis( side=1, at=c(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24), labels=c(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24), family="sans", lty="solid" )
axis( side=2, at=c(0, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500), labels=c(0, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500), family="sans", lty = "solid" )

points( x=Chart2$hour, y=Chart2$harm, 
        pch=20,  cex=1.2, col="firebrick", type="o" )


I plan to filter further to have three charts that show the changes in accidents for different age groups, but for the moment I'm just trying to get the chart to work.

It currently filters fine for transportation style and gender, but it keeps presenting the exact same dataset for everyday of the week and I can't seem to figure out what is causing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

sunaynagoel commented 5 years ago

@castower it happened to me as well. It turned out that I was using same vector name multiple times in my code. Once it was fixed it ran fine.

castower commented 5 years ago

@castower it happened to me as well. It turned out that I was using same vector name multiple times in my code. Once it was fixed it ran fine.

THANK YOU! That fixed it! I had two 'days'.

castower commented 5 years ago

Ok, now that I've tried to filter by age, my points have completely disappeared from my chart. They're still counted in the number of crashes tab at the top of the screen, but they aren't plotted anywhere. I also tried just filtering by age.cat == "Young Adult" and the points appeared, but they weren't filtered at all. I don't want age to be one of the filters in the input, because I want to have three separate charts for 'Young Adult', 'Adult', and 'Senior'.


Chart2 <- 
  dat %>% 
  filter( as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days2, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy, age.cat == "Young Adult" %in% input$days2) %>%
  group_by( hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) ) 

plot.window( xlim=c(0, 24), ylim=c(0, 1500), family= "sans" )
points( Chart2$hour, Chart2$harm, col="firebrick", pch=19, type="b", cex=2 )
xlab="Hour of the Day" 
ylab="Number of Injuries and Accidents"
main="Total number of Injuries and Accidents by Hour of the Day"
axis( side=1, at=c(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24), labels=c(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24), family="sans", lty="solid" )
axis( side=2, at=c(0, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500), labels=c(0, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500), family="sans", lty = "solid" )

points( x=Chart2$hour, y=Chart2$harm, 
        pch=20,  cex=1.2, col="firebrick", type="o" )

lecy commented 5 years ago

@castower You have two criteria here:

age.cat == "Young Adult" %in% input$days2

Should be this?

age.cat == "Young Adult"
castower commented 5 years ago

@castower You have two criteria here:

age.cat == "Young Adult" %in% input$days2

Should be this?

age.cat == "Young Adult"

I tried to input

age.cat == "Young Adult"

That fixed it, thanks! I thought it wasn't filtering that way at first, but I needed to save the file and run it again.

lecy commented 5 years ago

If you are creating the same plots repeatedly for levels of a factor, this code can be handy:

# library( ggplot2 )

Salaries %>% filter( yearID > 2000 & lgID == "AL" ) %>% 
             group_by( teamID, yearID ) %>% 
             summarize( Mean_Player_Salary=mean(salary) ) -> t1

qplot( data=t1, x=yearID, y=Mean_Player_Salary, 
       geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
       facet_wrap( ~ teamID, ncol=5 )


castower commented 5 years ago
# library( ggplot2 )

Salaries %>% filter( yearID > 2000 & lgID == "AL" ) %>% 
             group_by( teamID, yearID ) %>% 
             summarize( Mean_Player_Salary=mean(salary) ) -> t1

qplot( data=t1, x=yearID, y=Mean_Player_Salary, 
       geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
       facet_wrap( ~ teamID, ncol=5 )

Can this be utilized with shiny?

I tried the following code:

Chart3 <- dat %>%
  filter( age.cat == "Senior", as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days3, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy) %>%
  group_by( age.cat, hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) )

qplot( data=Chart3, x=hour, y=harm, 
       geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
       facet_wrap( ~ age.cat, ncol=5 )

and got errors:

dat %>%
+   filter( age.cat == "Senior", as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days3, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy) %>%
+   group_by( age.cat, hour ) %>%
+   summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) ) -> Chart3
Error in day %in% input$days3 : object 'input' not found
> qplot( data=Chart3, x=hour, y=harm, 
+        geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
+        facet_wrap( ~ age.cat, ncol=5 )
Error in ggplot(data, mapping, environment = caller_env) : 
  object 'Chart3' not found
lecy commented 5 years ago

The error is in your filter function, not the plot:

Error in day %in% input$days3 : object 'input' not found

Are you running the chunk? You might have to run the full file to instantiate the input object.

lecy commented 5 years ago

Also remove this logical statement from the filter, or it would only have one group.

filter( age.cat == "Senior", ... )
castower commented 5 years ago


Okay, I made those changes and ran this code:

Chart3 <- dat %>%
  filter( age.cat, as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days3, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy) %>%
  group_by( age.cat, hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) )

qplot( data=Chart3, x=hour, y=harm, 
       geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
       facet_wrap( ~ age.cat, ncol=5 )

The window gave me the following error:

Error: operations are possible only for numeric, logical, or complex types
castower commented 5 years ago

If it helps, here is my input:

selectInput("days3", label = h3("Day of Week"), 
    choices = list("Monday"    = "Mon", 
                   "Tuesday"   = "Tue", 
                   "Wednesday" = "Wed", 
                   "Thursday"  = "Thu",
                   "Friday"    = "Fri",
                   "Saturday"  = "Sat",
                   "Sunday"    = "Sun" ),
    selected = c("Sun"))
selectInput("d1gender", label = h4("Driver 1 Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male","Female", "Unknown"), selected = c("Male"))
radioButtons("d1pedcy", label = h4("Driver 1 Transportation"),
    choices = c("Driver", "Pedalcyclist", "Pedestrian"), selected = c("Driver"))
katiegentry07 commented 5 years ago

When I added my code for both input & output, it deleted any data for the other tabs. What would cause that?

Also, is there a way to change the length of the bar at the top of the dashboard?

lecy commented 5 years ago

@castower You can see a working example here. Did you change renderLeaflet to renderPlot?


lecy commented 5 years ago

@katiegentry07 Make sure that each widget has a unique name (widgetID).

checkbox( "days.01", ... ) checkbox( "days.02", ... )

Otherwise selections on one part of the dashboard might overwrite data on another part.

You can't set the width of the dashboard because it is responsive, which means it changes size based upon the size of the screen it is on. Not sure what you mean by the bar at top - the menu bar?


katiegentry07 commented 5 years ago

@lecy, hmm I'll look into the naming. The top menu bar is wider than the naming and so it is blocking some of the choices that I have selected in the sidebar. Is that something that is adjustable? I can't find coding that seems to correlate, but it should be adjustable theoretically.

castower commented 5 years ago

I added the renderplot brackets around the code and now it will run, but it produces this error:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9 25 56 PM

lecy commented 5 years ago

@katiegentry07 Try maximizing the viewing window, or click the "Open in browser" option at top left.

lecy commented 5 years ago

@castower What do this give you?

class( dat$age.cat )  # should be a factor
castower commented 5 years ago

@castower What do this give you?

class( dat$age.cat )  # should be a factor

Mine has become a character somehow.

> class(dat$age.cat)
[1] "character"
lecy commented 5 years ago

@castower Or maybe:

Chart3$hour <- as.numeric( Chart3$hour )
Chart3$harm <- as.numeric( Chart3$harm )
Chart3$age.cat <- as.factor( Chart3$age.cat ) 

qplot( data=Chart3, x=hour, y=harm, 
       geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
       facet_wrap( ~ age.cat, ncol=5 )
castower commented 5 years ago

I tried running this:


Chart3 <- dat %>%
  filter( age.cat, as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days3, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender2, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy2) %>%
  group_by( age.cat, hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) )

Chart3$hour <- as.numeric( Chart3$hour )
Chart3$harm <- as.numeric( Chart3$harm )
Chart3$age.cat <- as.factor( Chart3$age.cat ) 

qplot( data=Chart3, x=hour, y=harm, 
       geom=c("point", "smooth")  ) + 
       facet_wrap( ~age.cat, ncol=5 )


and it produces the same error.

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

Does this work then? This one is saying there is an error Input

radioButtons("commute.type", label = h3("Commute Type"),
    choices = c("Work", "Morning Commute", "School Pickup", "Evening Commute", "Night", "Midnight to Dawn"), selected = c("Work"))```



  days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  dat$commute.type <- dat$time.of.day

dat <- mutate( dat, commute.type = time.of.day )
dat %>%
    filter( day %in% input$days, commute.type %in% input$some_widget_name )

crash.details <- paste0( "Time: ", d2$DateTime, "<br>",
                     "Total Fatalities: ", d2$Totalfatalities, "<br>",
                     "Total Injuries: ", d2$Totalinjuries, "<br>",
                     "Collision type: ", d2$Collisionmanner)```

This is being weird too

```radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv1", label = h4("Driver 1 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))
radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv2", label = h4("Driver 2 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))Driver

Driver 1

    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$driver.1.age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$driver.1.age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.gender, 
            AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse) ```

Driver 2

d11 <- dat %>% filter( Age_Drv2 >= input$driver.2.age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$driver.2.age[2], Gender_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.gender, AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse )```

lecy commented 5 years ago


Can you send me your RMD via email?

Also try this - am curious what your table looks like.


Chart3 <- dat %>%
  filter( age.cat, as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days3, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender2, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy2) %>%
  group_by( age.cat, hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) ) %>%
  select( hour, harm, age.cat )

dput( Chart3 )


Then paste your output.

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

So this is going to be weird, I used the templet for the lab and only have a file with the tabs I am working on in one file and the other file is going to be for the tabs that are already made I was going to put them in at the end. I am dong to note that in my email I did not put the above graphic in yet.

lecy commented 5 years ago


The widget name here is "commute.type":

radioButtons("commute.type", label = h3("Commute Type"),
    choices = c("Work", "Morning Commute", "School Pickup", 
              "Evening Commute", "Night", "Midnight to Dawn"), 
selected = c("Work"))

Time of day was defined in the beginning:

dat <- 
  dat %>% 
  mutate( time.of.day = case_when( hour >= 6 & hour <= 9 ~ "Morning Commute", 
                                   hour >= 16 & hour <= 19 ~ "Evening Commute", 
                                   hour >= 14 & hour <= 15 ~ "School Pickup", 
                                   hour >= 9 & hour <= 13 ~ "Work", 
                                   hour >= 20 & hour <= 23 ~ "Night", 
                                   hour <= 5 & hour >= 0 ~ "Midnight to Dawn") )

So this is wrong:

dat %>%
    filter( day %in% input$days, commute.type %in% input$some_widget_name )

This is right:

dat %>%
    filter( day %in% input$days, time.of.day %in% input$commute.type )

"some_widget_name" was just a placeholder as an example.

castower commented 5 years ago

Chart3 <- dat %>%
  filter( age.cat, as.numeric(hour) >= 0, day %in% input$days3, Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender2, Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy2) %>%
  group_by( age.cat, hour ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) ) %>%
  select( hour, harm, age.cat )

dput( Chart3 )


The only output I'm getting is

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

For some reason d2 is not being found when I run my program completely

castower commented 5 years ago

Hello all, I've almost got my dashboard done, but one problem that I have discovered is that when the bar charts I created do not have a value, instead of just presenting a blank graph, it gives the following error:

Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (1): y

I've currently made a sidebar note to indicate that this simply means there's no data, but I'm curious if there is a way to stop this error.

Here is my code:


selectInput("collision", label = h3("Type of Collision"), 
    choices = list("ANGLE (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn)",
                   "Head On",
                   "Left Turn",
                   "Rear End",
                   "Sideswipe Same Direction",
                   "Single Vehicle",
                   "Unknown" ),
    selected = c("Rear End"))
selectInput("gen", label = h3("Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male",
    selected = c("Male"))
radioButtons("weather", label = h3("Weather"),
    choices = c("Dust Storm" = "Blowing Sand Soil Dirt", 
    selected = c("Clear"))


 renderPlot( {

Chart4 <- dat %>% filter( age.cat== "Youth", Gender_Drv1 %in% input$gen, Weather %in% input$weather, Collisionmanner %in% input$collision) %>%
  group_by( age.cat ) %>%
  summarize( harm = sum(Totalinjuries) + sum(Totalfatalities) )

ggplot(data=Chart4, aes(x=input$collision, y=Chart4$harm)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="firebrick") + labs(x="Collision Type", y = "Number of Harmful Crashes") + theme_minimal()


For example, if I select dust storm and female, my Youth and Senior categories produce the error message above.

RickyDuran commented 5 years ago

When I try to publish, I am getting this request, although when trying to do it with something else I didn't get this, and created an app in shiny.


jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

I am doing just the alcohol consumption. Does this make sense for out code?

Drivers 2 {data-orientation=rows} =====================================

Sidebar {.sidebar}

Driver Characteristics

sliderInput("driver.1.age", label = h4("Driver 1 Age"), 
            min = 15, max = 100, value = c(18,36) )
sliderInput("driver.2.age", label = h4("Driver 2 Age"), 
            min = 15, max = 100, value = c(18,36) )
selectInput("driver.1.gender", label = h4("Driver 1 Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male","Female", "Unknown"), selected = c("Male"))
selectInput("driver.2.gender", label = h4("Driver 2 Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male","Female", "Unknown"), selected = c("Male"))
radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv1", label = h4("Driver 1 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))
radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv2", label = h4("Driver 2 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))


Number of Crashes

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy, 
            Unittype_Two %in% input$d2pedcy)

  crashes <- count( d2 )
           icon = "fa-pencil",
           color = ifelse( crashes > 50, "danger", "primary") )

Total Injuries

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy, 
            Unittype_Two %in% input$d2pedcy )

  total.injuries <- sum( d2$Totalinjuries )
           icon = "fa-angry",
           color = ifelse( total.injuries > 30, "danger", "primary" ))

Total Fatalities

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy, 
            Unittype_Two %in% input$d2pedcy )

  total.fatalities <- sum( d2$Totalfatalities )
  valueBox( total.fatalities, 
            icon = "fa-briefcase-medical",
            color = ifelse(total.fatalities > 10, "danger", "primary"))

Rate of Harm

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            Unittype_One %in% input$d1pedcy, 
            Unittype_Two %in% input$d2pedcy )

  rate.of.harm <- round(length(which(d2$harm == "Harm"))/count(d2), 3)
           icon = "fa-pencil",
           color = ifelse(rate.of.harm > 0.5, "danger", "primary"))


Driver 1


  # days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  # start.time <- input$hour[1]   # sliderInput lower value
  # end.time  <-  input$hour[2] 

  d10 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$driver.1.age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$driver.1.age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.gender, 
            AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse)

  d10$col.vec <- ifelse( d10$nohurt, "gray20", ifelse(d10$inj, "steelblue", "darkorange") )              

  point.size <- d10$Totalinjuries + d10$Totalfatalities

  crash.details <- paste0( "Time: ", d10$DateTime, "<br>",
                     "Total Fatalities: ", d10$Totalfatalities, "<br>",
                     "Total Injuries: ", d10$Totalinjuries, "<br>",
                     "Collision type: ", d10$Collisionmanner)

  tempe <- leaflet( ) %>% 
              addProviderTiles( "CartoDB.Positron" )  %>%
              setView( lng=-111.9278, lat=33.39951, zoom=13 )

  addCircles( tempe, lng=d10$Longitude, lat=d10$Latitude,
              fillColor=d10$col.vec, fillOpacity=0.5, 
              stroke=F, radius=50*(1+0.33*point.size),
              popup=crash.details )


Driver 2


  # days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  # start.time <- input$hour[1]   # sliderInput lower value
  # end.time  <-  input$hour[2] 

  d11 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv2 >= input$driver.2.age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$driver.2.age[2], 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.gender, 
             AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse )

  d11$col.vec <- ifelse( d11$nohurt, "gray20", ifelse(d11$inj, "steelblue", "darkorange") )              

  point.size2 <- d11$Totalinjuries + d11$Totalfatalities

  crash.details2 <- paste0( "Time: ", d11$DateTime, "<br>",
                     "Total Fatalities: ", d11$Totalfatalities, "<br>",
                     "Total Injuries: ", d11$Totalinjuries, "<br>",
                     "Collision type: ", d11$Collisionmanner)

  tempe2 <- leaflet( ) %>% 
              addProviderTiles( "CartoDB.Positron" )  %>%
              setView( lng=-111.9278, lat=33.39951, zoom=13 )

  addCircles( tempe2, lng=d11$Longitude, lat=d11$Latitude,
              fillColor=d11$col.vec, fillOpacity=0.5, 
              stroke=F, radius=50*(1+0.33*point.size2),
              popup=crash.details2 )

lecy commented 5 years ago

@RickyDuran Are you trying to publish through shinyapp.io or through R Studio Connect? Connect is a different service that we currently don't have configured. I would need to know more about what steps you followed to get that window to diagnose.

RickyDuran commented 5 years ago

@lecy, after reading through some of the thread that was hidden, I noticed you had said to redownload the template. I did so, and it seems to have fixed the issue.

lecy commented 5 years ago

@castower It would require conditional statements (control structures in computer speak) that we have not learned yet.

I can send some code if you want to try it out.

if( condition is met)
{  do the thing }
if( condition is not met )
{ print something else }
lecy commented 5 years ago


Does this make sense for out code?

Can you be more specific? Do you want feedback on the design or on something not working? What are you trying to show with that tab?

castower commented 5 years ago

@castower It would require conditional statements (control structures in computer speak) that we have not learned yet.

I can send some code if you want to try it out.

if( condition is met)
{  do the thing }
if( condition is not met )
{ print something else }

@lecy That would be great. If it helps, basically what I'm trying to accomplish is:

If there's one more crashes then the chart displays.

If not, then there's a blank chart OR maybe a message that says 'No data available' instead of the odd error message that would be hard for someone unfamiliar with R to understand.

I can re-send my .rmd file if needed.


RickyDuran commented 5 years ago

When trying to deploy the app, I get the message: ERROR: An error has occurred. Check your logs or contact the app author for clarification. It is showing up in the viewer, in R, but not in Shinyapps.

jmacost5 commented 5 years ago

I am getting an error when I put it into the shinny document. I just do not understand how to make it better


Here is the code I have currently:Driver Characteristics {data-orientation=rows} =====================================

Sidebar {.sidebar}

Driver Characteristics

sliderInput("driver.1.age", label = h4("Driver 1 Age"), 
            min = 15, max = 100, value = c(18,36) )
sliderInput("driver.2.age", label = h4("Driver 2 Age"), 
            min = 15, max = 100, value = c(18,36) )
selectInput("driver.1.gender", label = h4("Driver 1 Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male","Female", "Unknown"), selected = c("Male"))
selectInput("driver.2.gender", label = h4("Driver 2 Gender"), 
    choices = c("Male","Female", "Unknown"), selected = c("Male"))
radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv1", label = h4("Driver 1 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))
radioButtons("AlcoholUse_Drv2", label = h4("Driver 2 Influence"),
    choices = c("No Apparent Influence", "Alcohol"), selected = c("No Apparent Influence"))


Number of Crashes

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
            AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse )

  crashes <- count( d2 )
           icon = "fa-pencil",
           color = ifelse( crashes > 50, "danger", "primary") )

Total Injuries

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
           AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
            AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse  )

  total.injuries <- sum( d2$Totalinjuries )
           icon = "fa-angry",
           color = ifelse( total.injuries > 30, "danger", "primary" ))

Total Fatalities

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
            AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse  )

  total.fatalities <- sum( d2$Totalfatalities )
  valueBox( total.fatalities, 
            icon = "fa-briefcase-medical",
            color = ifelse(total.fatalities > 10, "danger", "primary"))

Rate of Harm

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
            AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse  )

  rate.of.harm <- round(length(which(d2$harm == "Harm"))/count(d2), 3)
           icon = "fa-pencil",
           color = ifelse(rate.of.harm > 0.5, "danger", "primary"))


Traffic Accidents by Driver Characteristics


  # days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  # start.time <- input$hour[1]   # sliderInput lower value
  # end.time  <-  input$hour[2] 

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 
            Age_Drv2 >= input$d2age[1] & Age_Drv2 <= input$d2age[2], 
            Gender_Drv1 %in% input$d1gender, 
            Gender_Drv2 %in% input$d2gender, 
            AlcoholUse_Drv1 %in% input$driver.1.AlcoholUse,
           AlcoholUse_Drv2 %in% input$driver.2.AlcoholUse )

  d2$col.vec <- ifelse( d2$nohurt, "gray20", ifelse(d2$inj, "steelblue", "darkorange") )              

  point.size <- d2$Totalinjuries + d2$Totalfatalities

  crash.details <- paste0( "Time: ", d2$DateTime, "<br>",
                     "Total Fatalities: ", d2$Totalfatalities, "<br>",
                     "Total Injuries: ", d2$Totalinjuries, "<br>",
                     "Collision type: ", d2$Collisionmanner)

  tempe <- leaflet( ) %>% 
              addProviderTiles( "CartoDB.Positron" )  %>%
              setView( lng=-111.9278, lat=33.39951, zoom=13 )

  addCircles( tempe, lng=d2$Longitude, lat=d2$Latitude,
              fillColor=d2$col.vec, fillOpacity=0.5, 
              stroke=F, radius=50*(1+0.33*point.size),
              popup=crash.details )

etbartell commented 5 years ago

I am attempting to make a plot showing different degrees of injury severity over time. The sidebar with the inputs is working but the output area is blank. I think it's because the date is a character variable that can be graphed but I'm not sure. I tired converting it to numeric but it just made everything "NA". Here is my input:

dat$MDY <- format( date.vec, format="%D" )
selectInput( "injuries", label = strong("Traffic Acciddent Injury Trends"), choices = c( "No Injury", "Possible Injury", "Non Incapacitating Injury", "Incapacitating Injury", "Fatal" ), selected = "No Injury")

dateRangeInput("date_range", label = h3("Date Range"), start = "01/01/2017", end = "12/31/2017", min = "01/012012", max = "12/31/2017", format = "mm/dd/yyyy", startview = "month", language = "en", separator = " to ")

and the current draft of my output:


  d4 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Injuryseverity %in% input$injuries, MDY >= input$date_range[1] & MDY < input$date[2] ) %>%
    count( MDY, Injuryseverity ) %>%
    group_by( MDY ) %>%
    mutate( total.injury = n )
  plot.window(xlim = c(input$date[1], input$date[2]), ylim = c(0,10))
  points( d4$MDY, d4$total.injury, col = "dodgerblue4", pch=19, type = "l", cex = 2)
  ylab="Injury Count"
  main="Tempe Accident Injury Trends"
meliapetersen commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am having an issue with my dropdown widgets connecting to the map. I am able to select the different options, but the crashes are not showing up on the leaflet. Here is my code:

` Traffic Accidents By Substance Abuse =====================================

Inputs {.sidebar}

selectInput("d1.substance", label = h4("Driver 1 Substance Use"), 
    choices = c("Alcohol", "Drugs", "No Apparent Use", "Unknown"), selected = c("No Apparent Use"))
selectInput("d2.substance", label = h4("Driver 2 Substance Use"), 
    choices = c("Alcohol", "Drugs", "No Apparent Use", "Unknown"), selected = c("No Apparent Use"))

# parameters


Traffic Accidents By Substance Abuse


  # days.of.week <- input$days    # vector will all checked values
  # start.time <- input$hour[1]   # sliderInput lower value
  # end.time  <-  input$hour[2] 

  d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( d1.substance %in% input$d1.substance, 
            d2.substance %in% input$d2.substance, 

  d2$col.vec <- ifelse( d2$nohurt, "gray20", ifelse(d2$inj, "steelblue", "darkorange") )              

  point.size <- d2$Totalinjuries + d2$Totalfatalities

  crash.details <- paste0( "Time: ", d2$DateTime, "<br>",
                     "Total Fatalities: ", d2$Totalfatalities, "<br>",
                     "Total Injuries: ", d2$Totalinjuries, "<br>",
                     "Collision type: ", d2$Collisionmanner)

  tempe <- leaflet( ) %>% 
              addProviderTiles( "CartoDB.Positron" )  %>%
              setView( lng=-111.9278, lat=33.39951, zoom=13 )

  addCircles( tempe, lng=d2$Longitude, lat=d2$Latitude,
              fillColor=d2$col.vec, fillOpacity=0.5, 
              stroke=F, radius=50*(1+0.33*point.size),
              popup=crash.details )

```   `
lecy commented 5 years ago

@jmacost5 It is the same issue you were having before: https://github.com/DS4PS/cpp-526-fall-2019/issues/27#issuecomment-540358416

You name your widget driver.1.age:

sliderInput("driver.1.age", label = h4("Driver 1 Age"), 
            min = 15, max = 100, value = c(18,36) )

But then in the renderValueBoxes section you are referencing a widget named d1age.

 d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$d1age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$d1age[2], 

You will always reference the user input at input$widget_name where widget_name is whatever name you give it. If you use different names the render function will not be able to find the user inputs.

Should be:

sliderInput( "driver.1.age", label = h4("Driver 1 Age"), 
            min = 15, max = 100, value = c(18,36)  )
 d2 <-
    dat %>%
    filter( Age_Drv1 >= input$driver.1.age[1] & Age_Drv1 <= input$driver.1.age[2], 
lecy commented 5 years ago

@etbartell You are missing a date separator here in the min argument:

dateRangeInput( "date_range", label = h3("Date Range"), 
    start = "01/01/2017", end = "12/31/2017", 
    min = "01/012012", max = "12/31/2017", 
    format = "mm/dd/yyyy", startview = "month", language = "en", separator = " to ")

You might double-check the variable type returned by the date widget. I suspect it is a character vector, and you might have to convert it to a date object before using in a date comparison.


It can be tricky because a date compared to text will still evaluate, it just casts both as text:

widget.dates <- c("01/01/2017","12/31/2017")
widget.dates.1 <- strptime( widget.dates, format="%m/%d/%Y" )
class( widget.dates.1 )
widget.dates.2 <- format( widget.dates.1, format="%D" )
class( widget.dates.2 )

[1] "2017-01-01 MST" "2017-12-31 MST"
widget.dates.1 > "06/01/2017" # comparison to text
widget.dates.1 >  strptime( "06/01/2017", format="%m/%d/%Y" )# comparison to date