Closed babsr closed 4 years ago
Saw that this wasn't needed.
Yes, please skip that example please. Start with the downtown data.
Note that you need the spatial map packages loaded before you can plot the data:
library( geojsonio )
library( sp )
library( rgdal )
Load the map file:
URL <- ""
downtown <- geojson_read( URL, what="sp" )
plot( downtown, border="gray50", col="gray80" )
@babsr one more little potential pitfall - the variable name in the .geojson data is landuse
while the variable name in the parcel data is land_use
just fixed that in q1 instructions! thanks for the catch
@lecy sure thing!
I'm trying to do the question, "How many Single Family homes are in Syracuse? Map your results." I have followed the code that is on the lab instructions. When I run the code it is printing out Warning messages.
Here is my code: `singleFamily <- dat$land_use == "Single Family"
group.colors <- ifelse( singleFamily, "firebrick", "gray80") plot( dat, border=NA, col=group.colors, main= 'land_use == "Single Family"', cex.main=2.5) ` The errors that I am receiving are as follows: