DS4PS / cpp-526-spr-2021

Course shell for Foundations of Data Science I
MIT License
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Lab 4 - #6

Open AhmedRashwanASU opened 3 years ago

AhmedRashwanASU commented 3 years ago

When I'm Trying to Run the document I'm getting the below error, any idea how to resolve this?

Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : namespace 'htmltools' 0.5.0 is already loaded, but >= is required Calls: ... getNamespace -> loadNamespace -> namespaceImport -> loadNamespace Execution halted

jamisoncrawford commented 3 years ago

Have you used install.packages() to reinstall the package manually?

AhmedRashwanASU commented 3 years ago

I Just installed the updated Version of htmltools and then also I had to update rlang package too, Finally, its resolved

Thank you @jamisoncrawford

jamisoncrawford commented 3 years ago

@AhmedRashwanASU great!