Open ekmcintyre opened 4 years ago
The code in the picture was
d2 <- select( d, real.mhv.change, real.mhv.growth, p.white, p.own, pov.rate )
d2$pov.rate <- log10( d2$pov.rate + 1 )
set.seed( 1234 )
d3 <- sample_n( d2, 10000 ) %>% na.omit()
pairs( d3, upper.panel=panel.cor, lower.panel=panel.smooth )
and the error message was
Error: Must subset columns with a valid subscript vector. x Can't convert from
to due to loss of precision.
What are the data types and summary stats on d3?
summary( d3 )
str( d3 )
Are these variables all in d?
select( d, real.mhv.change, real.mhv.growth, p.white, p.own, pov.rate )
Note the percentages are all scaled to 0 to 100, but your poverty rate is scaled 0 to 1.
To find the actual change and growth in median home values I used the following code:
real.mhv.change <- mhv.change - d$metro.mhv.change
real.mhv.growth <- mhv.growth - d$metro.mhv.growth
The metro variables are taken from the Metro Level Statistics in the tutorial which defines them as the average growth in median home values for the city.
I tried to use the new vectors in a correlation plot and got an error message
Should I not bother with the metro stats and use the regular
vectors in my analysis?