DSACMS / repo-scaffolder

Templates and commandline tools for creating repositories for US Federal open source projects
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Removed the scaffold-templates directory since no longer needed. #46

Closed natalialuzuriaga closed 10 months ago

natalialuzuriaga commented 10 months ago

module-name: One line description of your change (less than 72 characters)


Explain the context and why you're making that change. What is the problem you're trying to solve? In some cases there is not a problem and this can be thought of being the motivation for your change.


Describe the modifications you've done.


What will change as a result of your pull request? Note that sometimes this section is unnecessary because it is self-explanatory based on the solution.

Some important notes regarding the summary line:

Test Plan

(Write your test plan here. If you changed any code, please provide us with clear instructions on how you verified your changes work.)