DSC-Galgotias / TechnoJam-Chat

Android Application for Galgotias Technical Club TechnoJam
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Password Characteristics #19

Closed honeycoder96 closed 5 years ago

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

Current Behaviour: When user signup any password of length greater then 6 is accepted.

Expected Behaviour: Ask the user to input password in the following format

  1. At least 1 special character, alphabet, number.
  2. Length greater than 6.

Also, display help dialog as the user is about to input the password to tell the user the format of password expected.

If the password is not in that format display a snackbar(or toast) to notify the user the missing characteristic, ie. If special character, a number is missing or length is less than expected.

viyer014 commented 5 years ago

Interested in working on this! Can I be assigned to this issue?

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

hi @viyer014 , Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project.

you can take up this issue.

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

Hi @viyer014 , just a friendly reminder to ask if you are still working on this issue.

viyer014 commented 5 years ago

Hey @honeycoder96 Yes, I am

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

No issue :) Thanks

antercepter commented 5 years ago

Is this still actual?

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

Yes it is @antercepter .

antercepter commented 5 years ago

Ok, I'll care about this

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

sure @antercepter .

honeycoder96 commented 5 years ago

This is resolved in #47 . Thank you very much for your contribution.