DSD-DBS / py-capellambse

A Python 3 headless implementation of the Capella modeling tool.
Apache License 2.0
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Support of sequence diagrams (*ES) #444

Open kairibu opened 3 months ago

kairibu commented 3 months ago

Hi team,

what is the current state of scenario (sequence) diagram support? I found that OES or ES do render to "something", but it is not yet readable because the InstanceRoles and all messages are stacked over each other, the functions in the lifelines are also not spread vertically. Only the message / exchange text is spread vertically(!)

vik378 commented 3 months ago

Hi Kai, not a priority at the moment but would be nice to have it. Martin made some basic API for analysis of scenarios (so you can look through nodes, etc). @huyenngn is currently looking into some internal renderer improvements for xAB types but those improvements shouldnt have any significant effect on ES; Martin did some PoC for export of ES to Mermaid (which was pretty cool but never published), we could maybe dig that out if it helps. If you have someone (an intern / working student) who could work on this from your side we could provide some guidance / review, etc.