DSGT-DLP / Deep-Learning-Playground

Web Application where people new to Deep Learning can input a dataset and toy around with basic Pytorch modules without writing any code
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[BUG]: pnpm install fix in dlp-cli #1077

Closed karkir0003 closed 10 months ago

karkir0003 commented 10 months ago

Operating system

MacOS, Windows

Bug description

When we run dlp-cli frontend install on the most recent version of dlp-cli, there is an error that arises due to pnpm not being installed in order to setup the frontend. This seems to be due to the dlp-cli using yarn to install the project when we migrated to pnpm as the dependency manager for the frontend.


  1. Go into dlp-cli repo and look for cmd/frontend/install folder and update that .go file to enforce installation of pnpm prior to running pnpm install
  2. Test that dlp-cli frontend install works seamlessly after step 1
  3. Make a Pull Request and tag @dwu359 on it
  4. Merge the PR and trigger goreleaser to release a minor version upgrade to the CLI (for both brew and scoop)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone DLP Repo
  2. dlp-cli frontend install after having the Node V20/corresponding npm installed
  3. Error arises
github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

Hello @karkir0003! Thank you for submitting the 🐞Bug Request Form. We appreciate your contribution. :wave:

We will look into it and provide a response as soon as possible.

To work on this bug request, you can follow these branch setup instructions:

  1. Checkout the main branch:

     git checkout nextjs
  2. Pull the latest changes from the remote main branch:

     git pull origin nextjs
  3. Create a new branch specific to this bug request using the issue number:

     git checkout -b bug-1077

    Feel free to make the necessary changes in this branch and submit a pull request when you're ready.

    Best regards, Deep Learning Playground (DLP) Team

hartejsingh12 commented 10 months ago

Successfully merged in the dlp-cli repository. Therefore, this issue is done and will be closed.