DSGT-DLP / Deep-Learning-Playground

Web Application where people new to Deep Learning can input a dataset and toy around with basic Pytorch modules without writing any code
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Improve Dev Velocity for Terraform #1127

Open karkir0003 opened 9 months ago

karkir0003 commented 9 months ago

Currently, when we write AWS infra using terraform, we have to run a set of manual commands to setup terraform along with validating + applying the tf plans. We should try to experiment with integrating these commands into dlp-cli. Below are some use cases we should add to the dlp-cli:


  1. @MugPand , what instructions/steps did you follow to setup terraform? a. Implement a dlp-cli command to setup terraform for our use for DLP. We keep all terraform files in dlp-terraform/ directory
  2. Implement a dlp-cli command to be able to validate terraform schemas across all .tf files in the dlp-terraform directory. We validate .tf files using terraform validate
  3. Implement a dlp-cli command to be able to apply a .tf file by creating the resources in AWS. Eg: something like dlp-cli terraform apply dynamodb/ should run terraform apply within the dlp-terraform/dynamodb path for dynamodb.tf file
  4. Modify our github actions checks to ensure that for a given .tf file, it's under a folder within dlp-terraform (like check valid folder schema within dlp-terraform directory
noah-iversen commented 9 months ago

@michellewliang if you don't have Terraform already, here's the instructions: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/aws-get-started/install-cli