DSchau / blog

Code for my old (last updated 2020) blog built with Gatsby
MIT License
170 stars 37 forks source link

Adding linting error #3

Closed lfilho closed 7 years ago

lfilho commented 7 years ago

Hey man, nice work with the blog post and this code! I'm checking it out and trying to play with it and I was trying to add xo for linting my project and prettier for formatting.

But then I get lots of errors, even some like not being able to find modules... Here's the output while running xo in your project:

> @dschau/blog@1.0.0 lint /Users/marelo/workspace/luiz-www
> xo

  ✖   14:1   Prefer default export.                                                                             import/prefer-default-export

  ✖    1:26  Unable to resolve path to module babel-jest.                                                       import/no-unresolved

  ✖   13:32  Unable to resolve path to module webfontloader.                                                    import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../color.                                                         import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:22  Unable to resolve path to module path.                                                             import/no-unresolved
  ✖   69:14  reject is not defined.                                                                             no-undef

  ✖   49:9   Identifier short_name is not in camel case.                                                        camelcase
  ✖   50:9   Identifier background_color is not in camel case.                                                  camelcase
  ✖   51:9   Identifier theme_color is not in camel case.                                                       camelcase

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:1   react-helmet should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react-helmet to add it   import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module react-helmet.                                                     import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to footer.js.                                             unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:25  Unable to resolve path to module ./SocialIcons.                                                    import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to date.js.                                               unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖   19:39  date is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to content.js.                                            unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖   17:39  children is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   17:49  Footer is missing in props validation                                                              react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to tags.js.                                               unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:24  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖   44:35  list is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to about.js.                                              unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:25  Unable to resolve path to module ./SocialIcons.                                                    import/no-unresolved
  ✖    7:1   ../images/me.jpeg import should occur before import of ./SocialIcons                               import/order
  ✖    7:16  Unable to resolve path to module ../images/me.jpeg.                                                import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to link.js.                                               unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:8   React is defined but never used.                                                                   no-unused-vars
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:1   gatsby-link import should occur before import of ../utils/typography                               import/order
  ✖    4:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:36  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/color.                                                   import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to social-icons.js.                                       unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:26  Unable to resolve path to module ./SocialButton.                                                   import/no-unresolved
  ✖   23:21  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props
  ✖   24:21  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props
  ✖   25:21  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props

  ✖    1:1   react-dom should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react-dom to add it         import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:8   ReactDOM is defined but never used.                                                                no-unused-vars
  ✖    1:22  Unable to resolve path to module react-dom/server.                                                 import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    2:8   React is defined but never used.                                                                   no-unused-vars
  ✖    2:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:24  Unable to resolve path to module typography.                                                       import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:24  Unable to resolve path to module typography-plugin-code.                                           import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:36  Unable to resolve path to module typography-breakpoint-constants.                                  import/no-unresolved

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to social-button.js.                                      unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:24  Unable to resolve path to module react-icons/lib/fa/github.                                        import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:26  Unable to resolve path to module react-icons/lib/fa/facebook-square.                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:25  Unable to resolve path to module react-icons/lib/fa/twitter.                                       import/no-unresolved
  ✖   27:14  children is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   68:40  type is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to preview.js.                                            unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:18  Unable to resolve path to module ./Post.                                                           import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:3   children is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖    7:3   excerpt is missing in props validation                                                             react/prop-types
  ✖    8:3   limit is missing in props validation                                                               react/prop-types
  ✖    8:3   limit is assigned a value but never used.                                                          no-unused-vars
  ✖    9:3   title is missing in props validation                                                               react/prop-types
  ✖   10:3   to is missing in props validation                                                                  react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to post-title.js.                                         unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:36  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/color.                                                   import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖   58:37  children is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   58:47  title is missing in props validation                                                               react/prop-types
  ✖   58:54  to is missing in props validation                                                                  react/prop-types
  ✖   62:16  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:24  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:36  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/color.                                                   import/no-unresolved
  ✖    8:8   Link is defined but never used.                                                                    no-unused-vars
  ✖    8:18  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Link.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    9:21  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Preview.                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖   43:22  text is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   51:32  pathContext is missing in props validation                                                         react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to post-toolbar.js.                                       unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:30  Unable to resolve path to module ./NavigationButton.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    7:22  Unable to resolve path to module ./Date.                                                           import/no-unresolved
  ✖   15:3   date is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   16:3   isPost is missing in props validation                                                              react/prop-types
  ✖   17:3   linkTo is missing in props validation                                                              react/prop-types
  ✖   17:3   linkTo is defined but never used.                                                                  no-unused-vars
  ✖   18:3   next is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   19:3   prev is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   20:3   title is missing in props validation                                                               react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:8   Link is defined but never used.                                                                    no-unused-vars
  ✖    2:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:1   react-helmet should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react-helmet to add it   import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    3:8   Helmet is defined but never used.                                                                  no-unused-vars
  ✖    3:20  Unable to resolve path to module react-helmet.                                                     import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:8   PostDate is defined but never used.                                                                no-unused-vars
  ✖    5:22  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Date.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:21  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Preview.                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    7:8   Tags is defined but never used.                                                                    no-unused-vars
  ✖    7:18  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Tags.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖   19:33  data is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   19:39  location is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   43:26  graphql is not defined.                                                                            no-undef

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to navigation-button.js.                                  unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:22  Unable to resolve path to module react-icons/lib/fa/chevron-left.                                  import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:25  Unable to resolve path to module react-icons/lib/fa/chevron-right.                                 import/no-unresolved
  ✖    7:36  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/color.                                                   import/no-unresolved
  ✖    8:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖   57:38  children is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   57:48  to is missing in props validation                                                                  react/prop-types
  ✖   57:52  next is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   57:58  prev is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   61:19  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props
  ✖   73:22  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:1   prop-types should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S prop-types to add it       import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    2:23  Unable to resolve path to module prop-types.                                                       import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:1   react-helmet should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react-helmet to add it   import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    3:20  Unable to resolve path to module react-helmet.                                                     import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:33  Unable to resolve path to module react-typography.                                                 import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:24  Unable to resolve path to module ./utils/typography.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    8:7   BUILD_TIME is assigned a value but never used.                                                     no-unused-vars
  ✖   12:5   propType "body" is not required, but has no corresponding defaultProp declaration.                 react/require-default-props
  ✖   22:11  Dangerous property dangerouslySetInnerHTML found                                                   react/no-danger
  ✖   23:21  Unexpected ! in !raw!../public/styles.css. Do not use import syntax to configure webpack loaders.  import/no-webpack-loader-syntax
  ✖   23:29  Unable to resolve path to module !raw!../public/styles.css.                                        import/no-unresolved
  ✖   39:23  headComponents is missing in props validation                                                      react/prop-types
  ✖   46:13  Dangerous property dangerouslySetInnerHTML found                                                   react/no-danger
  ✖   48:23  postBodyComponents is missing in props validation                                                  react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to header.js.                                             unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:34  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:29  Unable to resolve path to module ../json/particles-config.json.                                    import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:29  Unexpected use of file extension "json" for "../json/particles-config.json"                        import/extensions
  ✖    7:1   Imported module should be assigned                                                                 import/no-unassigned-import
  ✖    7:8   Unable to resolve path to module ../css/particle-styles.css.                                       import/no-unresolved
  ✖    8:49  Unable to resolve path to module ../css/animations.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖   79:7   NoWrap is assigned a value but never used.                                                         no-unused-vars
  ✖   91:36  Unable to resolve path to module particles.js.                                                     import/no-unresolved
  ✖   92:16  A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor.     new-cap
  ✖  108:15  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props
  ✖  112:30  Do not use Array index in keys                                                                     react/no-array-index-key
  ✖  119:30  Do not use Array index in keys                                                                     react/no-array-index-key

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:1   react-helmet should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react-helmet to add it   import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    2:20  Unable to resolve path to module react-helmet.                                                     import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:18  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Post.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:18  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Tags.                                               import/no-unresolved
  ✖    7:19  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/About.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    9:30  Unable to resolve path to module ../css/animations.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖   11:1   Imported module should be assigned                                                                 import/no-unassigned-import
  ✖   11:1   prismjs should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S prismjs to add it             import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖   11:8   Unable to resolve path to module prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css.                                 import/no-unresolved
  ✖   22:36  data is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   22:47  location is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   22:57  pathContext is missing in props validation                                                         react/prop-types
  ✖   94:9   Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props
  ✖  109:26  graphql is not defined.                                                                            no-undef

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:1   prop-types should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S prop-types to add it       import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    2:23  Unable to resolve path to module prop-types.                                                       import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:8   Link is defined but never used.                                                                    no-unused-vars
  ✖    3:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:1   react-helmet should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react-helmet to add it   import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    4:20  Unable to resolve path to module react-helmet.                                                     import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:20  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    6:10  rhythm is defined but never used.                                                                  no-unused-vars
  ✖    6:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    8:26  Unable to resolve path to module ../services/web-fonts.                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖   10:21  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Content.                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖   11:20  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Footer.                                             import/no-unresolved
  ✖   12:20  Unable to resolve path to module ../components/Header.                                             import/no-unresolved
  ✖   14:1   Imported module should be assigned                                                                 import/no-unassigned-import
  ✖   14:8   Unable to resolve path to module ../css/base.css.                                                  import/no-unresolved
  ✖   24:5   propType "children" is not required, but has no corresponding defaultProp declaration.             react/require-default-props
  ✖   32:23  location is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types

  ✖    1:1   react should be listed in the project's dependencies. Run npm i -S react to add it                 import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  ✖    1:1   Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to post.js.                                               unicorn/filename-case
  ✖    1:19  Unable to resolve path to module react.                                                            import/no-unresolved
  ✖    2:38  Unable to resolve path to module styled-components.                                                import/no-unresolved
  ✖    3:1   ../utils/typography import should occur after import of react-icons/lib/md/list                    import/order
  ✖    3:24  Unable to resolve path to module ../utils/typography.                                              import/no-unresolved
  ✖    4:8   Link is defined but never used.                                                                    no-unused-vars
  ✖    4:18  Unable to resolve path to module gatsby-link.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    5:24  Unable to resolve path to module react-icons/lib/md/list.                                          import/no-unresolved
  ✖    7:23  Unable to resolve path to module ./PostTitle.                                                      import/no-unresolved
  ✖    8:21  Unable to resolve path to module ./PostToolbar.                                                    import/no-unresolved
  ✖    9:24  Unable to resolve path to module ./Link.                                                           import/no-unresolved
  ✖   11:1   Imported module should be assigned                                                                 import/no-unassigned-import
  ✖   11:8   Unable to resolve path to module ../css/posts.css.                                                 import/no-unresolved
  ✖   13:1   Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.                             no-unused-expressions
  ✖   94:3   children is missing in props validation                                                            react/prop-types
  ✖   95:3   className is missing in props validation                                                           react/prop-types
  ✖   96:3   date is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   97:3   html is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖   98:3   linkTo is missing in props validation                                                              react/prop-types
  ✖   99:3   title is missing in props validation                                                               react/prop-types
  ✖  100:3   next is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖  101:3   prev is missing in props validation                                                                react/prop-types
  ✖  110:9   now is assigned a value but never used.                                                            no-unused-vars
  ✖  112:11  Prop className is forbidden on Components                                                          react/forbid-component-props
  ✖  124:39  Dangerous property dangerouslySetInnerHTML found                                                   react/no-danger

  251 errors

Any clues of what might be going on and how to fix it? Here's my package.json (basically yours + xo stuff):

  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby": "~1.2.0",
    "gatsby-link": "~1.0.9",
    "gatsby-plugin-catch-links": "~1.0.1",
    "gatsby-plugin-google-analytics": "~1.0.1",
    "gatsby-plugin-manifest": "~1.0.1",
    "gatsby-plugin-offline": "~1.0.1",
    "gatsby-plugin-react-helmet": "~1.0.1",
    "gatsby-plugin-sharp": "~1.3.0",
    "gatsby-plugin-styled-components": "~1.0.1",
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  "xo": {
    "space": 2,
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    "parser": "babel-eslint",
    "extends": [
    "envs": [
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Thank you in advance

DSchau commented 7 years ago

Hey, I am so sorry, I had this repo's issues muted (not sure why), so just taking a look at this.

I'll take a look tonight and try and get back to you. Thanks!

DSchau commented 7 years ago

Alrighty, I lied, I can just reply to this now.

So it's not really on me to support (sometimes opinionated!) linting rules, although I do think it has identified some real issues, e.g.


That said, if you're open to it, I'd gladly accept a PR adding linting, and fixing some common issues that many linters expose. I do, however, much prefer to use ESLint for this, rather than XO.

DSchau commented 7 years ago

Did it myself :) If you check out cf3119f, you can get a sense for the new linting rules

lfilho commented 7 years ago

Super! I'll give it a try in a few days, am currently moving to a new continent! 😂 Thank you!

DSchau commented 7 years ago

Safe travels then :) This can wait as long as you want, haha.