Closed KR0SIV closed 4 years ago
It should be "gradlew.bat build" i think.
With the correct command 'gradlew.bat build' the same issue persists. Successful compilation/build message but no build directory or file anywhere.
Resolution after more work:
Copy/paste the unzipped folder "jmbe-0.3.3b" into YOUR Windows User directory, e.g. into C:\Users\Joe Sample so that the resulting path is for example C:\Users\Joe Sample\jmbe-0.3.3b .
-> Discovered rationale: the automated Gradlew tool download that the greadlew.bat file triggers will only go into this User directory. And the gradlew tool must have EVERYTHING together in this User directory. (Gradlew is NOT flexible to find the files to compile in other directories outside of the one it was downloaded into.)
Run the build script while in the correct directory:
C:\Users\Joe Sample\jmbe-0.3.3b> gradlew.bat build
The compiled JMBE library will be located in a sub-folder named '\build\libs': C:\Users\Joe Sample\jmbe-0.3.3b\jmbe\build\libs
Recommended edits in two files that worked fine, based on findings by other contributors:
\jmbe-0.3.3b\build.gradle :
Line 69 task Wrapper(type: Wrapper) { Line 70 gradleVersion = '5.1.1' Line 71 }
\jmbe-0.3.3b\gradle\wrapper\ :
Line 5 distributionUrl=https\://
Closing issue.
After running the gradlew script I get the following output
The problem is that build directory doesn't exist and no jar file was actually created. I can compile it myself but it should be noted the script is claiming to have completed successfully when from what I can tell it created no .jar in the process.