DSpace-Labs / angular2-ui-prototype

(OBSOLETE: Use https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular) Ongoing work on Angular UI has moved to DSpace/dspace-angular
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Drag to resize sidebar? #139

Open tdonohue opened 8 years ago

tdonohue commented 8 years ago

Not a high priority. But, I'm finding myself wanting to drag the sidebar to be smaller (i.e. make it less wide), rather than always hiding it entirely.

Maybe I'm just too familiar with other applications that allow either hiding the sidebar, or dragging it to resize. See for example our Confluence Wiki: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC5x/DSpace+5.x+Documentation

In the case of Confluence, there's a (hard to find) button in the header (near the search box) that lets you collapse the entire sidebar. But, you can also simply drag it with your mouse if you want to make it narrower.

I like that we can now hide the sidebar entirely. Just might be nice to investigate (at some point) whether it'd be easy to drag and resize it as well.

artlowel commented 8 years ago

It bothered me as well that the sidebar could get excessively wide on large screens, but that was a consequence of using the bootstrap grid for its size.

I created a PR that sets it to a fixed width now for all but the smallest screens, because it was an easy fix that should reduce the need for a resizable sidebar for the moment.