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[DS-1135] Ingest METS #4507

Closed dspace-bot closed 12 years ago

dspace-bot commented 12 years ago

Imported from JIRA [DS-1135] created by felix

I am writing from the Library of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and I would like to make you some questions in relation to the METS ingest using DSPACE software.

Our library has chosen DSPACE in order to build our open digital library. We have installed and configured it correctly and we have managed to import "DSpace Simple Archive Format" in Dublin Core, with success using this command:

/datos/dspace/bin/dspace import -a -e xxxx@xxx -c 123456789/29 -s /datos/dspace/imports -m /datos/dspace/reports/mapfile0.map


The point is that our library has a very important and rich collection of serials, newspapers and magazines, so we should import these documents in METS. As we can see in the wiki: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC18/Importing+and+Exporting+Content+via+Packages this is possible via Package Importer and Exporter, in particular:

Pre-Configured Submission Package (SIP) Types

METS - Ingests content which is in the DSpace METS SIP format

We are a little bit desperate with the METS ingest (in Spain, only a few institutions which are using DSPACE have achieved EXPORT content in the DSPACE SIP format, no one has ever imported METS; i.e.: http://digitum.um.es/xmlui/handle/10201/26413)

In order to that, I would like to ask you:

1. Is it possible to IMPORT/INGEST METS?
2. If so, would you be so kind to help us?
3. Would be a problem related with the Submission Package (SIP) Types?

I hope hearing from you soon. Thank you in advance.

dspace-bot commented 12 years ago

tdonohue said:

Yes it is possible to import METS into DSpace, but it must be a very specific METS formart.

The METS Formats that DSpace Supports include:

It is worth mentioning that in both cases, the METS input files are assumed to be in Zip files that include both a METS metadata file and perhaps any other content files. If you look at the AIP format page above, there are examples of valid Zip files (containing METS).


You can create similar Zip files using METS that is formatted either in the DSpace METS SIP Profile format, OR in the DSpace AIP Format.

If you are running into specific errors around importing METS files, you may want to forward those on to the 'dspace-tech' mailing list so that one of the developers can help you to resolve your problems.


I'm closing this ticket, as I believe this answers your questions. If you run into problems with importing METS, you are more than welcome to ask questions on the dspace-tech mailing list (linked above).