DSpace / xoai

OAI-PMH Java Toolkit
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HTTPS oai_dc namespace is not supported #71

Open mdcarreira opened 5 years ago

mdcarreira commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to parse the records list of a OAI Repository, but XOAI returns all records as empty records. This happens because the response namespace is declared as HTTPS.

To give an example, the XML response I get is:

<OAI-PMH xmlns="https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/" (...) />

This makes XOAI return a list of empty records. If I change the header to:

<OAI-PMH xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/" (...) />

Then all records are correctly parsed.

XOAI should support the ability to parse records in HTTPS namespace.

The repository where I'm getting this error is: https://journalsporl.com/index.php/sporl/oai