DSprtn / GTFO_VR_Plugin

A plugin to add full roomscale Virtual Reality support to your favorite game!
MIT License
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Can't use ingame terminal. #12

Closed Hoshi82 closed 4 years ago

Hoshi82 commented 4 years ago

I tried as sugguested in the other topic. I restarted steamvr and the game two times always with the same result. I captured the last attemp: https://youtu.be/D9O6RRSUKAc

Also I updated to mod v.5.0.1 and BepInex by first copying and overwriting the BepInex files and then overwriting the mod files.

xaedian commented 4 years ago

I also have the same issue. Installed GTFO VR yesterday with BepInEx and GTFO VR 5.0.1, using SteamVR 1.12.5 with HTC Vive headset and standard wand controllers.

DSprtn commented 4 years ago

Could you guys mail over the output_log.txt file from C:\Users\$YourPCNameHere$\AppData\LocalLow\10 Chambers Collective\GTFO\output_log.txt over to gtfovrmod@gmail.com?

Make sure to play the game with the mod and attempt to use the terminal beforehand.

I can't seem to be able to reproduce the issue so it would be a great help!

DSprtn commented 4 years ago

It looks like the newest release of BepInEx breaks the mod. For now, repeat the installation using version v5.0.1!

I'll update the installation to include this info.

DSprtn commented 4 years ago

By the way, due to what was broken, when it's fixed it should improve your in-game performance by roughly 40-50%

DSprtn commented 4 years ago

Version .0502 of the VR mod should now work no matter which version of BepInEx you have, though I still recommend getting the newest one.

Terminal should work again and performance should improve greatly.